This time last week, I thought our spring visit to the remote Smoky Mt. cabin we inherited from Chuck’s parents couldn’t get much worse.
At that time, Chuck and I had been without water in the cabin for ten days. We’d traveled from our Tampa crazy house seeking peace and rest but had found instead a cabin with a burst underground pipe, necessitating us to experience the rustic pioneer life firsthand, fetching buckets of water from the well to use the bathroom, wash dishes, and even brush our teeth.
That is, until the third day, when lightning struck the pump, effectively shutting down the well, the only water supply we had.
Really? I thought foolishly. What else bad can happen to us this trip? Hey, I don’t mind being Laura Ingles temporarily, but not forever.

Finding the leak was a shot in the dark; the only folks who had a leak-locating machine were two hours away in Asheville and refused to travel that far. So after a troupe of local plumbers, carpenters, and a dude ostentatiously called The Disaster Doctor had paraded through our recently renovated cabin, removing sinks and toilets, sawing through my beautiful hardwood floors (while I wept in another room), and jack-hammering an enormous hunk of cement out of the laundry room, the elusive leak still would not be found.

One workman totally abandoned us. After wreaking havoc by digging a five-foot hole through the floor and not finding the pipes he was sure were there, he left to “run into town for more supplies” and never came back. He later left a phone message admitting that our leak was beyond him. We should find somebody else.

So on the tenth waterless day, on my way back from town, I stopped at a neighbor’s house on the mountain who’d kindly offered us the use of her shower while she was at work. Little did I know that I was about to find out how much worse this trip could get …
(Cliffhanger alert! To be continued next week …)
But before I close, congrats again to Pam Grant, winner of my Easter Blessings Giveaway prize package containing a Too Blessed to be Stressed shirt, copy of my new 365-day devo, Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day, and a fun surprise! Be sure to scroll back to last week’s blog post to enjoy the terrific Easter memories shared by my awesome BFFs (that includes you!).
And if you’d like to join my BFF (Blessed Friend Forever) Club, I’d be thrilled to have you as part of my inner circle. You can find out all about it by clicking on “Freebies” then “BFF Club” at my website, www.DeboraCoty.com. My next great giveaway will be for my BFF Club members only so join us soon!
OK. How long have we been friends? If I call you, can you tell me the rest of the story? I don’t think I can wait until next week to find out what happened next in your account of the waterless wonder cabin! LOL