I rushed out the other morning to get in my car, late for an appointment. As the garage door arose, I squeezed betwixt the narrow space behind my car and was rounding the driver’s side rear tire when something caught my eye.
A baby garter snake was cozily curled up behind the car tire. The same car I was about to back out of the driveway right over his little self.
Now I know many folks don’t like snakes in the worst way, but I, being raised next to a swamp, never minded the critters. I actually find them fascinating. In fact, as a child, I’d been known to carry a few around in my pockets and even tried to take a fully grown 4-foot black racer to Show & Tell at school once, but got busted before I could wrestle the reluctant reptile into the car.
So an “awww!” escaped my lips at the sight of this cute, harmless fellow nestling right behind my warm rubber tire. (Sadly, I didn’t think to take a photo.)
Nudging him with my foot, I said aloud, “You can’t stay there, little buddy. It’s not safe. You’re going to be snake paste in about 30 seconds.”
But did he listen? Nah. He actually looked indignant as he squirmed his annoyance at being disturbed and hugged the tire even closer.
I tried again with my other foot. No dice.

A stick? Nope. That stubborn dude would NOT move. I’d scoot him over a few inches and he’d scoot right back. I could read it in his body language: he felt safe and content right where he was and the status quo had been working all night so why go to all the trouble of moving?
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Right?
Wrong. Things were about to change big time, but in his limited snake perspective, he couldn’t fathom it. And he fought change with all his might, even to his own detriment.
I finally had to resort to a broom and swept him out of his comfort zone, kicking and screaming, so to speak, out into the grass where he could live to tell the story to his grandserpents one day.
As I drove away, it occurred to me that I’m a lot like that little snake. When the Lord brings change into my life, like He has over the last few years, I often resist it with all my might. The status quo until now has been fine – well, maybe not fine, but at least tolerable because I’m used to it – so leave me be and let me stay right here behind my big ole safe tire.
Only the tire’s not safe. I just can’t see it from my limited human perspective.
So I resist Papa God’s foot nudge, stick shove, and the sweeping changes of the broom as I keep trying to squirm back into my comfort zone. But change is necessary for my growth, my health, my very life.
I just have to trust that He can see a much larger scope than I can and is working all things for good for this little squiggler who cannot grasp that there simply is no future behind the tire.
How about you, dearest BFF (Blessed Friend Forever)? What life change has uprooted you from behind your tire?
I hate to say it, however, there are times I just soon stay where I am and face the consequences of the big old tire. Life can be hard. But I guess Papa God keeps just pushing me somewhere else.
I know, Sandi – you’ve been through much lately, my heart breaks for you. It probably feels like the tire has already squashed you more than once. I’m praying right now that He uses His divine broom to sweep you into a safer, more peaceful place. Please don’t give up. Hang onto that sliver of hope for a better tomorrow. I love you, my friend!
A big one! I fell back in May and sprained my ankle. I went to the orthopedist who put a boot on my foot. The boot rubbed an ulcer on my ankle. The orthopedist sent me to the Wound Center, where I’ve been every week since then. Because it wasn’t healing, they ordered CT scan which revealed an infection in my bone caused by hardware that had been put there when I broke that ankle 21 year ago. After being told by 3 doctors at 3 of the teaching hospitals that they couldn’t help me, and that I’d need to have my foot amputated, we finally found a doctor at Duke who is confident that he can save it. For the foreseeable future, I won’t be able to put any weight on it at all, so that’s a big life change for me. I can’t imagine going into this without my faith in God. I know He will see me through it and it will work out according to His will.
Oh my goodness, Becki! That sounds like a semi truck tire to me! I’m pausing right now to pray for Papa God to give you patience with your crutches (and/or wheelchair?) along with grace and healing mercies, new every morning. Please let me (and your other BFFs here at this blog) know about your progress how we can update our prayers. HUGS!
Thanks so much! All prayers are appreciated.