Are you humming a familiar Beatles tune right now? I’ve been belting it out since I got the idea for this post yesterday: “I get by with a little help from my friends! Oooh, I can fly with a little help from my friends!”
Okay, I’ll admit I made up that last line (don’t you dare deny that you make up your own song lyrics too!), but it would’ve been awesome in the song, don’t you think? Actually, I always dug the “I get high” line but I don’t think I meant it in the same way Ringo did.
Being around my friends always gives me an emotional high.
Like in Sunday School recently when my friend Freida was praying aloud and suddenly her Apple watch interrupted with, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you said.” Without missing a beat, Freida replied, “Oh, I’m sorry, Lord. I’ll pray louder.”
And the awesome prayer my friend Pammy prayed over me when I was having a disastrous morning and couldn’t find words to pray for myself: “Lord, may Your presence be peace to me, Your promise fuel faith in me, and Your purpose be fulfilled in me throughout this day.” Just … amen!
When my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, was asked how she managed to live with chronic pain for years on end without becoming bitter, she answered, “Even when my questions aren’t answered, my faith in God is stronger than my need to know.”
(This one’s not so spiritual, but it cracked me up.) My writing client, Betel, commented after our grueling manuscript editing session: “Why would anybody in their right mind decide to write anything?” Hmm. I’ve been wondering that myself for twenty years.
My friend Cheri confessed about seeking an answer to a longtime problem: “God’s still gnawing on me.”
Cheryl was lamenting at Bible Study about having to put up with a co-worker who’d treated her badly, and confided, “I hope my mansion’s on the opposite side of heaven than hers.”
And I ALWAYS love what you say in the comment section, dearest BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever). So don’t forget to weigh in today too! What are some of the ways you get by with a little help from your friends?
Yesterday I had a list of planned chores. I started by washing my car and sweeping the garage. When I was finished, I noticed a text from my neighbor telling me she left veggies from IL on my front porch. I explained I was sorry I missed her but had been washing my car. She responded she would be right over so we had a nice visit. I went to drop off a check with my travel agent and another nice conversation. After lunch a classmate from high school called to catch up. I did manage to do a few of the things on my chore list. I told a friend that God must have known I needed this contact with good friends! It seems that God knows what I need before I do.
Carolyn, I love how you go with the flow and don’t let interruptions to your “planned” schedule upset you. Friends should always come before tasks, but for me, I struggle with getting those priorities straight sometimes. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us! Hugs!