On a prayer walk through the woods, I came across this astounding sight of a tree near the top of a mountain that had been hit by a bolt of lightning. The tree was shredded, splintered into long strips that left the tree apparently lifeless and utterly destroyed through no fault of its own. But it wasn’t only the tree itself that was affected; a partial bird’s nest rested upside down in nearby bushes and a substantial scattering of acorns at the base of the shattered limbs attested to the stash an industrious squirrel must have collected in a knothole of the tree when it had been vibrantly alive.
Others depended on that tree too and built their lives around it.
As I stared at the now decimated tree, I felt a dark stirring in my innards. Sadness. Yes, that’s what it was. It made me sad. Because I related to that tree.
Like so many people I know, naively plodding along, when lightning strikes out of nowhere and rips away the life you once knew, the life you considered safe and secure. Others depending on you are wiped out too. Suddenly everything changes and you’re not sure how to reconcile your massive losses with faith in a loving, caring heavenly Father. You struggle to understand, to wrap your head and heart around the inexplicable.
I know you know what I mean. You’ve been there. So have I.
But you know what? As I stood before the splintered, ruined tree, I noticed a green shoot pushing upward from the roots. It was just a little thing, but it was green and alive, reaching upward toward the sun. It was hope. I knew it. I felt it in my guts.
Life from death.
Beauty from ashes.
The same kind of hope that holds you and I together after devastation and destruction.
We may not understand Papa God’s ways or His plans (or why He allows bolts of lightning sometimes), but He’s gracious to provide little green shoots of hope for rebuilding and fulfilling our divine purpose in the center of His will. Because regardless of our splintered exterior, our roots grow deep into His fertile soil of love.
Sorry – didn’t mean to wax so poetic there, but I was really inspired by a decimated tree making a comeback and I wanted to share my awe with you, dear BFF. What has inspired you this week, my friend? All your BFFs would love to hear so please comment below. Hugs!
Again and again you touch my soul with your God given words! Lightening hit my life recently when my daughter died of breast cancer. I’m blessed to have my faith and love for God as we journey through this life. It is a choice to look for and choose hope. Thank you for the images of the tree to help visualize what I feel and know to be true. Please continue with the gifts God has blessed you with, they help us sooo much!
Deb Carruthers
Oh, my goodness, Deb, my eyes are welled with tears reading your response. I’m so, so sorry you recently lost your daughter to cancer. My heart goes out to you, sister. I can’t imagine anything more like a lightning bolt. You are indeed blessed to have such a strong faith – your choice of hope over despair inspires all of us on our faith journeys. BIG HUG to you, dear BFF (Blessed Friend Forever). Know I’m praying for you.
My mom Esther S. Romero has been admitted into Hospice (week before last). I’ve had a lightning bolt hit as I still take care of her here in our home but there is hope. She taught me that. I had a memory that came up on a Facebook on her birthday April 28, 2024 from 12 yrs ago. Guess who the folks in her birthday picture celebrating with her, were on April 28, 2012? Peggy & Don Neel, Adele & Frank Mitchell, and me and my mom. Now they’re all there with my dad who passed on her birthday in 2011. Twelve years ago she was turning 80… now I’m almost 12 yrs from 80 myself. Life goes on but we miss them so much. We were made to live forever and that’s why our hearts cling to the hope of eternal LIFE. That’s what the shoot reminds me of – the Tree of Life. Love you Deb, Esther
Oh, Esther – I didn’t know your mom was sick. I’m so, so sorry but I’m glad she has you by her side as she prepares for her transition to heaven. It’s so hard for those left behind to cherish the memories, but it must be magnificent for those meeting Jesus face-to-face. You all will be in my prayers. I truly love the memory you shared of my folks and the Neels celebrating your mom’s birthday in 2012. They thought the world of her. I know they’ll be asking Papa God’s permission to meet her at the pearly gates with their arms open. Much love to you, dear sister.
Seems like when that lightning strikes, it hits so powerfully that everyone around it, is touched by the effects. It is hard to understand why! Life is never the same. But eventually, the rain will stop, and the sun will come out and life will go on.
Well said, Sandi. I know you know what a lightning bolt feels like. Love you, my friend!