Hey y’all, I’m so excited! It’s been a while since I’ve had the privilege of getting together with my faithful BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) at a local (meaning central Florida) church and I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming FREE event which will give me the opportunity to hug your necks!
Mark your calendars now for Friday, March 7 from 6:30 pm – 8 pm at the Mission Hill Church Six Mile Campus, 4038 N. Falkenburg Rd, Tampa, FL 33610. These lovely host ladies will provide snacks (I’m told chocolate is on the menu), FREE admission, and a wonderful evening of casual fun and fellowship for you with a passel of new BFFs. Plan to come and bring a friend! (Sorry but childcare will not be available.)
My message will be about communication, titled “Can You Hear Me Now?” and here’s a brief description that you can share with your heart friends who might be interested in a blessed girls’ night out:
Ever feel that your volume has been cranked down and no one can hear what you’re truly saying? We all feel that way from time to time, and there’s biblical evidence that others have felt that way throughout history as well. Let’s get together and discuss ways we can lean on the Lord for improving our communication skills with others, our heavenly Father, and ourselves.
I hope you can join us, my friend. If it looks like a good possibility, would you please let me know in the comments below so the sweet gals hosting can get a head count? (We wouldn’t want to run out of triple decker brownies, now would we?)
With hugs and hopes to see you soon! Love, Deb
I wish I could be there, but we’re back in Kentucky. Prayers for a wonderful turnout, plenty of triple chocolate brownies, and an encouraging, uplifting talk.
I live in San Diego, CA… unfortunately, I will not be able to attend… I will bemissing out on the fellowship and the the triple chocolate brownie ???
I know rhe meeting will be a productive, uplifting and full of God’s glory and love.