Welcome to my November giveaway, dear BFF (Blessed Friend Forever)!
It’s called: Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.
This is the perfect time of year for us to take our eyes off our troubles and turn them upward; to pause and reflect on all the blessings Papa God has poured out on us, even if it’s just the basics: sweet air to breathe, pure water to drink, fingers and toes that work, someone who loves us.
So I’d like to invite you to SEND ME seven things you’re thankful for (photos are always welcome!), dear BFF (Blessed Friend Forever), and together we’ll celebrate 7 Days of Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving. Each day from Nov 16 – 22, I’ll choose one to post on my Facebook author page (if you haven’t “liked” it yet so you’ll see my posts, please do so right now – it’s Debora M. Coty, author).
Then on Thanksgiving Day, I’ll randomly select the grand prize winner from among those seven names, who’ll receive this fabulous “Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.” tee (ladies size M) + an autographed copy of the lovely Too Blessed to be Stressed 2019 Planner + a newly released Audiobook version of my classic Too Blessed to be Stressed (the original bestselling book that gave birth to all the newer “baby blessings” + some choc-tastic emergency rations.
I’ll post the winner on my Too Blessed to be Stressed blog (so be sure to subscribe here at my website DeboraCoty.com if you haven’t already) and possibly some of other entrees too!
So please give it some sincere thought and share with us 7 blessings that you’re especially grateful for this Thanksgiving. Because you, my friend, are most assuredly: Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.