This is the second of a series on my meditations of scripture during a recent personal retreat.
Today’s passage: 1 Kings 19:11-12: The still, small voice of God.
1. “Go stand on the mountain” was a command to take action; GO! Stand alone, exposed and vulnerable; wait on the Lord to come to you. You’re in His presence on the mountain. Likewise, I’m in God’s presence when I climb the mountain he sets before me.
2. The great and powerful wind came before the Lord came. It seemed to shatter Elijah’s whole world but he stood firm and waited. He didn’t run from the wind, earthquake, or fire, but stayed right there on that mountain ledge, exposed. Do I have the courage to wait through the turmoil?
3. Elijah recognized God’s genetle whisper immediately. He knew it wasn’t the same as the hubbub that came before. Do I hear God’s voice enough to recognize it? Even through the noise of everyday?
4. God told Elijah to go to the mountain in the third person – why? If He was giving Elijah instructions, he must have already been there. So was this His physical presence? No – it was his spiritual presence. God is always here; He sometimes takes his presence to another level. A deeper, more personal level.
5. The huge display of elements was to show Elijah God’s power – then He brought it home with the whisper: “Elijah, I am here.” (my interpretation). Elijah, who was unmoved by the big show, crumbled and covered his head at God’s voice. He ran back to his cave. I, too, often run back to my cave.
6. Elijah was told to go out and leave the cave in which he was hiding. Papa God tells me that, too. But I like my cave. It feels safe. If I go stand out on the mountain, exposed, I can be shot down. But I must leave my cave if I want to experience God’s presence in a deeper way.