Hey, hey – the drawing is over and we’ve got some Sizzling Summer Giveaway winners here! 😛
I know, I know – I said there would be five 2917 Planner winners but y’all responded so fantastically to the contest (I have the BEST reader friends ever!) that I couldn’t help myself … I added another!
So CONGRATS to my 6 BBFF’s (Best Blog Friends Forever) who each won a copy of my Too Blessed to be Stressed 2017 Planner (they’re sooo cute; you’re

gonna LOVE them!):
Ronda Crawford Sandra Powell Merry Dennison
Shana Burton Jenny Martin Amy Hughes
And MEGA CONGRATS to Lisa Winters, the grand prize winner of all the following terrific prize package:
Too Blessed to be Stressed 2017 Planner +
Too Blessed to be Stressed Coloring Book for Women +
Too Blessed to be Stressed 3-Minute Devotions for Women +
Fear, Faith, and a Fistful of Chocolate +
A bag of my very fave chocolate treats – Dove Promises (mint & dark chocolate swirl – mmm!)
Remember, winners, you must contact me (comment on this post, or via FB or my website contact page) in order to receive your prize – as soon as you get me your mailing address, your goodies will be on their way!
Many, many thanks to all of you who entered this contest, but take heart if you didn’t win this time … there will be a next time and it’s right around the corner!
Be sure to subscribe to my blog and sign up for my FREE e-newsletter (both can easily be done at the top right column on this page) so you’ll be on the front seat for all the new developments coming up this fall!