As I watched my son-in-love, Josh, painstakingly carve the image of a Star Wars figure into a pumpkin for my delighted grandbuddies this week, I couldn’t help but see parallels with the way the Sculptor of our Soul works.
When we turn ourselves over to Him through trust, Papa God imprints His new, improved design on each of us, a you-nique masterpiece in our own right. No two exactly alike.
He scoops out all the yucky inner sludge mucking up our insides, including seeds of doubt, despair, grief, and fear, and replaces them with His light shining through our eyes for all the world to see.
What was a common vegetable becomes a lantern of light in a dark world.
So I’m thankful today, that a routine fall ritual has made me more aware of Papa God’s presence and His omnipotent scalpel shaping my life.
And I’m very, very honored to be Papa’s lil’ punkin. Aren’t you?
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