So here it is, beginning the third week of the new year, and like a lot of other fine folks, my New Year’s resolution was to shed ten unwanted pounds.
It is with deep emotion that I announce to you that I am, indeed, three pounds lighter. But wait. Before you break into applause (you were planning to cheer for me, weren’t you?), I need your help. After extensive consideration – and bushels of baby carrots – I’ve decided to petition the Almighty to reboot the existing antiquated weight loss system.
Hey, this is a BIG deal. Totally serious. If this thing is ever going to get passed by God and all the saints, I need reinforcements. Yours.
In my humble but accurate opinion, the current consume-fewer-calories-than-you-burn-to-lose-weight system would benefit from an updated clause that only makes good sense in the free enterprise society in which we live. Based on common banking principles, I’m proposing that Heaven institute a calorie bank in which everyone would have their own account.
Yep – a calorie account to count calories.
A fat deposit box, if you will.
Here’s how it works: Say I am presented with a triple chocolate brownie that triggers my salivation glands to burst into overdrive. I am nearly drowning in my own secretions, attempting to courageously withstand temptation. Despite the rich chocolaty goodness screaming my name, I heroically take only one bite instead of downing the whole wretched thing.
Not only should the calories of that incredibly self-controlled bite not count, I should get resistance BONUS POINTS deposited in the calorie bank … a credit to my account to be used at my later discretion. Or indiscretion.
For example, when my neighbor brings over a whopping slice of her famous scrumpdillyicious Death by Chocolate Cake and stands there on my doorstep, smiling her neighborliest as she hands me a fork, waiting for me to dive right in.
Now I ask you: what’s the Christian thing to do?
It would be inexcusable to hurt her feelings. Nor should I have to with the innovative new calorie banking system. I simply withdraw a few [hundred] of those BONUS POINTS from my fat deposit box and voila – my account is balanced. No weight is gained. No pants need be unbuttoned. Everyone is happy.
So what do you think, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever)? Can I put you down in favor of my Fat Deposit proposition? Do you think it stands a chance in Heaven?
Yes, BBFF, do answer! I love hearing from you. And I love giving you freebies! Be sure to hop over to the giveaway page at my website and get your name in the hat to win your copy of Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day in my New Devo Giveaway. The winners will be announced here on Jan. 25.
I don’t think it has a Heaven of a chance! ?
Fat deposits are bound for human bodies. As my dear niece would say, “It is what it is.” Or as a Christian Gump would say, “Sin is as sin does.” ?
Deb, Love this idea! Just started Weight Watchers in January and I can totally identify with the struggles and temptations! ?
While this definitely gets my vote, I suspect the way it really is going to work goes along the same vein as getting those jewels in the crown, once we get to the other side! Lol
Reward now? Or reward later…?
Deb, I love the idea; however, do we get zinged when we covet “Thy neighbor’s dessert?” as the Bible says so many times…”You have heard it said…but I tell you… a matter of the heart. I am afraid I would be found guilty of lusting after chocolate, ice cream, heavenly-made desserts and end up with those being counted against me (and my calorie bank). LOL
I hear you Sister…. I would love to bank up credit as it seems that there are so many temptations out there. Seems like the older I get the harder it is to get those extra pounds off and keep them off!
Hey, Deb, it works in my world!! Miracles do happen…but I’m not holding my breath or I will end up in heaven for sure!
Hugs and loves (::)