HUGE congrats to the winner of my Color Your Way to Autumn Calm Giveaway … Connie Saunders from Kentucky! Connie’s prize package is already winging its way to her at this very moment.
Warm thanks to everyone who entered and remember, a new giveaway is right around the corner! (Be sure to sign up for my free e-newsletter if you haven’t already so you won’t miss the next big announcement!)
In the meantime, I want to share some of the lovely sentiments shared by some of those who entered the Autumn Calm Giveaway. Many, many thanks, my sweet BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) – I can’t begin to tell you how much your kind words mean to me. Your endorsements on Facebook and Goodreads help more people discover my books than anything else!
“I love, love, love all the Debora Coty books, but my fave is Fear, Faith, and a Fistful of Chocolate. It has helped me deal with so many personal issues that I’m facing – forgiveness, gratitude, aging, and all kinds of hang ups. Thank you so much for being such a blessing in my life!” ~Adriana F.
“My favorite book is the original Too Blessed to be Stressed for a few reasons. One, it was a gift from my mother. Two, it’s just downright FUNNY and so, so easy to connect with. I carry my copy in my purse; it’s a bit beat up from all the notes I’ve made and all the underlining. It’s kinda like my Bible – I could never get a new one because the old one is so well used. Anyway, thank you for writing these inspirational and funny books to remind us that Papa God loves us!” ~ Veronica T.
“I love Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day because I can relate to so many of our stories about being a mom and being married to my long-time love (43 years). So many days, your little stories inspire me or make me cry, remembering something similar in my own life. It also makes me laugh to realize other women have the same crazy experiences, fears, and feelings as me, and yet we’re still loved by our Heavenly Father. Reading each day’s passage is how my day begins. Thank you!” ~Marietta C.
“I love Too Blessed to be Stressed because not only do you spread the gospel, you’re a hoot doing it. Having fun and enjoying the things of God is easy when I read your books. Thank you for your ministry.” ~ Carol M.
“I especially like your Too Blessed to be Stressed Cookbook. It’s small in size but oh, SO BIG in content! It’s filled with recipes that can be prepared in 20 minutes; helpful tips for preparation; funny anecdotes to ease the stress of the day; and scriptures to calm the soul. I also appreciate that most of the ingredients are items that I already have on hand so the recipes are cost effective. I’m a cookbook collector and enjoy looking through the many that I own, but this cookbook will be kept nearby and used regularly.” ~Connie S.
“My favorite is Too Blessed to be Stressed: 3 Minute Devotions for Women, because it’s quick and easy to follow: no frills, get-to-the-point, daily connections with God. It’s like getting a God-text once a day. Love it!!!” ~Julia B.

“I’m a new fan of your work and I just had to share the blessings of your Too Blessed to be Stressed books with friends and family. I love the way you call God, “Papa God” – the phrase inspires me to have a more intimate relationship with God and to call Him “Daddy” too. Thank you so much for writing words of hope and love from God and His son, Jesus. You are making a difference!” ~ Diane B.
“My daughter-in-law gave me Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day for my birthday and I just love it! I have been depressed and stressed a lot lately and it is truly amazing how reading these daily pages link with events in my own life. God bless you and please keep me in prayer.” ~ Elaine S.
So once again, thank YOU, dear reader! I love hearing from you.
Hint: The beautiful Inspiration for Every Day & Creative Journal gift pack (above) may just be part of the next giveaway, so stay tuned!