Okay, BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever), thought we’d have a little fun with words this week. (Keep reading to the end for your chance to win a fun prize!)
Like most authors, I am, after all, something of a wordsmith and adore discovering the hidden humor lurking behind certain letter combos.
Ever heard the term, “neologism”? It simply means “new” (neo) + “meaning” (logy) = a new meaning for an old word.
I recently ran across this hilarious list of neologisms readers submitted to the Washington Post a few years ago. I hope you’ll snigger and snort over them as much as I did:
- Flabbergasted: appalled over how much weigh you’ve gained.
- Abdicate: to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
- Balderdash: a rapidly receding hairline.
- Coffee: the person upon whom one coughs.
- Negligent: a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.
- Lymph: to walk with a lisp.
- Flatulence: emergency vehicle that picks you up after you’ve been over by a steamroller.
Aren’t these fun? Wanna play? Can you come up with some of your own?
Hey, let’s make it worth your while – everyone who responds to this post with one or more creative neologism(s) will be entered into a drawing for a FREE Too Blessed to be Stressed 2018 Planner. The winner will be randomly selected one week from today (Nov 16) and I just may publish some of your clever neologisms on my blog (and even in my newsletter!).
And if you’re into FREE stuff (who isn’t, especially during this gift-giving season?), don’t forget to enter my Beyond Grateful Giveaway for a chance to win a beautiful Too Blessed to be Stressed Daily Devo and Creative Journal Gift Set (exclusively at Sam’s Club for a limited time). For details, just click on “Freebies” right here at my website, www.DeboraCoty.com, and then the giveaway.
Grateful – thankful that I didn’t damage my knuckles this time using the veggie grater.
Done that enough times to be truly grateful! Way to go, Chris!
Mugging —–stealing someone’s coffee
Pasteurize—Too far to see
Whoever invented “knock-knock” jokes should get a NO-BELL prize.
These are terrific, Paulette. I’m a little dense so it took me a minute to realize pasteurize is one you have to say aloud to hear the bells go off despite the lack of knock-knock jokes. Very witty!
Capitulate – when you forget to put the top on your ink pen and it leaks
Wiki Leaks could work for that one too!
How about Winsome? The appearance or manner of the person who realizes that the numbers on his/her lottery ticket match the Power Ball numbers!
Thanks for a fun post.
Good one, Connie!
Good one, Connie!
Computer – trying to understand or make sense of your wife!
Interpreter – really trying to comprehend what the wife is saying!
Teacher – trying to get your wife to understand you!
Composer- calming your wife down when she wants to scream!
Tranquilizer – giving the wife a meds to help her really calm down!
Manager – the man trying to manage his wife!
Elevator – When you give up and send her on to a better life!
Ha! These are a hoot! Spouse has often wished for a good Interpret-her but would settle for a strong Tranquilize-her.
Harmony- when one note becomes something much better because it is joined by friends.
Duet- two people singing “together” before they have a duel.
Ha! I especially love the duet before duel def, Carolyn!
Passport- something you must have so you do not have to pass the port.
Left-face it, it is not right.
Vegging out on the couch unable to get up.
(Corny, but i tried for you Miss Coty?
HaHaHa! You got a LOL from me, Adriana!