Welcome back to my third installment of the 7 Days of Christmas, a full, fun week of stories, thoughts, and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. Just a little gift from me to you, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever). May your blessings outweigh your stressings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! (Scroll back to read previous posts and subscribe at the right of your screen if you haven’t already so that tomorrow’s post automatically pops up in your inbox.)
“‘For nothing will be impossible with God.'” (Luke 1:37 NASB)

Every time I hear someone quote this verse, usually applying it too some hopeless mess they find themselves in, I think about the hopeless mess going down when it first appeared in the Bible.
Do you recall?
These powerful words were uttered by the mighty angel Gabriel as he presented a flabbergasted, quivering virgin with a positive pregnancy test. The plus sign was horrifyingly clear.
No! That’s impossible! “But how? I’ve never slept with a man,” Mary gasped (Luke 1:34 MSG).
Bible scholars believe Mary was less than fifteen years old. She wasn’t being snarky; she was simply pointing out, from her teenage herspective, the zit in the face of this plan. Not gonna happen. Nope. A humongous piece of this puzzle’s missing, man.
And then the shiny dude dropped yet another crazy impossibility in her lap – middle-aged Cousin Elizabeth, way past menopause, was preggers, too!
I picture Mary’s already pale face going bone white and her mouth dropping open. Whaaa … No way!
It was then that Gabriel gave her the only explanation she would ever need. “Nothing is impossible with God.”
Mary didn’t get it at first. For, like us, she never considered that a bona fide miracle could possibly happen in her life. But then it sank in: She was loved. She was special. She was chosen. God was going to bend the rules of possible for her.
Did you know He wants to bend the rules for you, too? No, not because you’re pregnant with His Son.
Because you’re loved.
You’re special.
You’re chosen.
Prayer for today:
Mighty One, Like Mary, I thank You for doing great things for me. For making the impossible possible. Holy, holy, holy is Your name.
*Excerpted from my 365-day devotional, Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day.
Deb, Thanks for the reminders that we are chosen and loved! I often need to remind myself that ALL things are possible with God, especially when they certainly don’t look possible to me!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Love you, girlfriend!
Thank you for this breath of inspiration!
Praying your blessings outweigh your stressings this holy-day, Edwina!