Passing by the state prison where Daddy worked, I used to stare up, up, up at those looming gun towers and impossibly high chain-link fences topped with razor wire, wondering how it felt to be trapped inside – to know that the big, wide world outside is rolling along, but you’re stuck within these confining walls with no hope of escape.
Now, as a grown-up, I realize that sometimes we moms do feel imprisoned. Especially when we’re:
Physically exhausted (experiencing chronic fatigue)
Reduced to nagging (must repeat ourselves incessantly)
Invisible (underappreciated, taken for granted)
Sentenced to solitary confinement (“Am I the only one going through this?”)
Off-kilter (having lost our spiritual balance; unable to hear Papa God’s voice)
Nekked in front of a freight train (feeling helpless to change)
Yes, we do sometimes feel like prisoners. But sister-mom, I’m here to give you hope! You can break out of your prison. You’re not stuck inside fences too high to scale. But you can’t just sit there like a handful of linguini waiting for the pot to boil and magically transform you.
You must do something different to make something different happen. Or this time next year you’ll be in exactly the same place.
So stick your foot in the fence chink and start hoisting yourself up.
How, you ask?
A few small lifestyle redirections can make a huge difference … (continued in chapter 5 of Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms).
“While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” (Isaiah 65:24 NLT).
*Excerpted from Deb’s brand new book, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms (available

NOW at all online distributors such as Amazon, CBD, and Barnes & Noble, and in Christian bookstores everywhere!). Used with permission from Barbour Publishing.
So what do you think of my new book so far, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever)? I’ll be posting passages from Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms throughout Sept. If you know a stressed-out mom who might be blessed by this brief excerpt, will you please forward this post to her? Many thanks!
And be sure to enter my Blessed Mom Giveaway #4 – the final FABULOUS “Blessed” gift package celebrating the Sept release of Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms will be given away Sept 26. You could (and should!) be the winner, girlfriend!
Just hop over to my website, click on “Freebies” and then the Giveaway to find details on how to enter.
Special CONGRATS to the winner of the Blessed Mom Giveaway #3: Nicole Hernandez!