On Day 1 of 7 Days of Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving …
Nancy K. is thankful that she is:
- Blessed to be a year-round volunteer for Operation Christmas Child
- Blessed to have the Lord Jesus Christ leading my life!
- Blessed to have a wonderful husband
- Blessed to have two wonderful children and their spouses, plus 5 beautiful grandkids
- Blessed to have great friends who are a great prayer support to me
- Blessed to have a church I love dearly and love working at
- Blessed to have the best in-laws ever!
Many thanks to those of you who’ve already sent your fave blessings in to share with our BBFF (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) community.
If you haven’t yet, it’s not too late, nope, not at all! Respond below or drop me a line via Facebook or the contact page at my website, DeboraCoty.com. We would truly LOVE to hear from you!
And you’ll automatically be entered into my November Giveaway: Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. The drawing will be on Thanksgiving Day for the winner of a delightful prize package that will give you one more exceptionally good reason to be thankful!
So stay tuned right here tomorrow and every day from now until Thanksgiving to rejoice with your BBFFs as they count their blessings! (Please feel free to comment!)
I am truly blessed and eternally grateful that God has seenit within his plan for my to heal me twice and then again this summer to save me from a major stroke.
There could never be even begin to thank him enough for all he has done. And am looking so forward to being with him in eternity. Praise his holy name forever.
Thank you for your response, Mary. I praise Papa God with you for all your blessings! I’ve dropped your name into the drawing for my Thankful. Grateful. Blessed giveaway. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!
Thank you for posting the things I am thankful for! My husband loved it!
My pleasure, Nancy; I’m grateful that you’re part of our BFF community (Blessed Friends Forever)! Hugs to you, and a very blessed Thanksgiving!