Happy Thanksgiving, blessed friends! One final double header on this 7th day of Giving Thanks on this beautiful day set aside for praising the Giver of All Good Gifts, and both lists are near and dear to my heart.
One of the things I’m very thankful for this year is that I was blessed to co-write a book with my daughter Cricket for the first time, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms, which released in September. It was a perfect fit, with her being a terrific young mom of three energetic kids and me being an old nanny goat.
I had the wisdom of experience but she could speak to the tyranny of the urgent dealing with scraped knees, projectile vomiting and ant bites.
If you haven’t yet read Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms, I hope you will – we both poured our hearts and souls into it. And do consider blessing all the moms on your Christmas list with a copy; according to the myriad of rave reviews, they’ll just love it.

Cricket B. is thankful for:
- My Lord and Savior, who fills my life with unending grace and teaches me daily how to forgive.
- My husband who loves me unconditionally and is truly my other half.
- My 3 kiddos who fill my heart with more joy than I thought possible.
- My parents, who not only raised me in the most wonderful, loving home, but also are the best models – turned friends and neighbors – a girl could ever want.
- My health – once you come close to losing it, you learn to appreciate every single moment and truly live (Note from Deb: you’ll find Cricket’s incredible near-death story in Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms, along with lots and lots of other heartwarming stories of Papa God’s grace and mercy).
- Daily laughter shared with friends.
- God’s provision of a safe area for our family to call home.
Thank you, my BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) for sharing your 7 fave blessings with all of us this week. It was humbling and awe-inspiring for me, personally, to read them – I wish space allowed me to print them all. I’ll close now with my own list but keep reading to the end, where I’ll announce the winner of my November Giveaway: Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.
Debora C. is thankful for:
- A wake-up jolt of chai latte every morning (hey, I’m gratefully sipping it right now!).
- One knee that doesn’t hurt (surgery upcoming on the other; I’m learning to be a pogo-person).
- Food to cook, a kitchen to cook it in, and a fridge that works (although it’s bursting at it’s pre-Thanksgiving dinner seams at the moment; my Too Blessed to be Stressed Cookbook is still smoking).
- My precious Mama and Daddy turning 90 and 92 this week.
- My longsuffering husband of 40+ years, Chuck.
- Two grown children who didn’t turn out to be homicidal psychopaths after all (isn’t that every mother’s deepest fear?); four of the most fun baby-grands ever (they’ll either keep you young or kill you).
- YOU, my wonderful BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever)! I simply cannot express how much you mean to me. I adore you!
And now, without further adieu, the winner of the Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. giveaway is … Katie Beach. Katie will receive this prize package and maybe even an extra little surprise from me!
Thanks to all for entering; take heart if you didn’t win this time – my Christmas giveaway is coming up and it’s a major doozy!
Such a fun week of reading all the blessings! I am thankful for both Deb and Cricket and the awesome book you both wrote!! Congrats to winner Katie B. for the giveaway!! Blessings!!