Big, squishy hugs to all of you BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friend Forever) who took the time to send in three blessings for which you’re especially thankful this Thanksgiving. Sharing your blessings with our wonderful community of girlfriends blesses us all.
(Stay tuned for the grand prize drawing winner of the Giving Thanks Giveaway at the end of this post!)
You and I both know that some years, we have to dig a little deeper than other years to focus on heart-gratitudes rather than the disappointments and problems pelting us all ’round. I know for a fact that some of you have had a majorly rough year, like my own family’s “Job-year” of heavy loss. Yet you bombarded me with an avalanche of Papa God’s blessings that uplifted my spirit and touched my heart.
Thank you, my sisters.
Now let’s share some so your blessings can bless our other blog-friends as well. I wish I could post them all, but sadly, time and space limits us to only a handful. Let our stress-hardened hearts melt as we rejoice with one another:
- Frances is thankful for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; also that this same Lord and Savior healed her from cancer; and for her awesome biological family, church family, and faithful friends.
- Debbie B is grateful for a Loving God who saved her and shows His love in special ways daily; for friends who’ve become family; and for her daycare babies who are loved like the babies she was never able to have.
- Evin thanks Papa God for her family and friends-family; for her flexible job that allows more family time; and for Little Debbie Snack cakes (editorial 😉 here from me!)
- Carol feels blessed with her family; for God’s trifecta of love, forgiveness and grace; and for Christian ministries with BFFs like Debora Coty (woohoooo! You can’t know how THRILLED I am to be a blessing to you, Carol – that’s what I pray for constantly!)
- Peggy is full of gratitude for her improving health; for a wonderful husband who took care of her without complaining; and for a church group that encourages her contributions.
- Ginger is glad for Facetime (the opportunity to see her oldest son and new DIL who live far away); for safe travels for children traveling home from college; and for a few days of mom life again after recently becoming an empty nester.
- Harriet is grateful for her precious granddaughter; her family; for good health.
- Lee Ellen thanks God for her job (after 16 1/2 months of unemployment); that her son finally graduated High School after much ado; that her 91-year-old dad is safely in assisted living and that his trailer home sold.
- Kathy is thankful for an amazing God who blesses her every single day; that she still has her mom in her life; and for 4 smart, beautiful, thoughtful grandchildren.
- Jan is eternally grateful for God’s truth, God’s light, and God’s love – all of which she has found in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Wow! Amen, and amen. Let me add here that I am beyond grateful for sweet and faithful BBFFs like you. And I consider it a HUGE blessing that we have a community of girlfriends readily available to stand in the gap with powerful prayer for each other, and to toss one another encouragement like a life preserver during those times we feel like we’re drowning in life’s stress-pool.
Okay. Now for the announcement you’ve been waiting for …
Congrats to the winner of the Giving Thanks Giveaway: Heather Shaw!
Heather was randomly selected to win this awesome gift package, which includes a terrific Thanksgiving tee and autographed copies of the Too Blessed to be Stressed 2020 Planner and a desktop, stand-up edition of the Too Blessed to be Stressed Perpetual Calendar.
Many thanks to all who entered. Hey, don’t fret if you didn’t win this time, dear friends – you’ll have another chance in my colossal Christmas giveaway coming up VERY soon!
Thankful for the sharing of blessings!! Congrats to Heather!!