Girls need girlfriends.
This is a well known, indisputable fact. And to honor the special-ness of girlfriendships, I hosted a Palentine Giveaway for February, the month of love.
(Hey, the drawing isn’t until later today – Valentine’s Day – so you still have time to enter; see pic below!)
The only requirement for entering the Giveaway in hopes of winning the awesome grand prize was/is to tell me about your Palentine – your bestie – your bosom bud. I was so touched by the love expressed by the entrees that I wanted to share some of them with you.
Hope these make you want to give your own Palentine a big ole squishy hug before the day is over! And my love’s winging its way to you too, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever!)
“My Palentine is my BFF Brooke. I’ve known her for over 20 years and she knows me better than I know myself! We have called ourselves buttchicas for the longest time because we are that close! LOL! When we are having a melancholy day or need advice, we always ask our Papa God and also our buttchica! Together, we have read your book Fear, Faith, and a Fistful of Chocolate, and are on the third round of Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration of Every Day. I love having a BFF giving me sound advice and reminding me of Papa God’s influence in our lives.” ~Amber B.
“My Palentine has been my bestie for 30 years. We have laughed, cried, and been through a lot, but with each other always by our sides. We go to breakfast, go shopping, and then go for ice cream. We had fun as children and still have fun when we get together. My bestie is the sweetest and best friend anyone could have. We will be there for each other always and forever. I thank God for her.” ~Carol M.
“I want to share with you my best friend. She knows me better than anyone else. I shared my very first secrets and heartbreaks with her and still do to this day. I’ve known many girls in my life and have met some great friends, but not one compares to my mother – my best friend. My heart. My everything. She saved me from myself when I was caught in a terrible addiction. She was the only friend who really got it and it was at that moment I realized my mom can be my best friend too!” ~ Danielle S.
“My Palentine is my husband. I just started my battle against breast cancer. It’s going to be a long one and my hubby has been with me since day One. He takes care of me, dresses me, helps me take a shower, and feeds me. But best of all, we pray together.” ~Madeline C.

“My Palentine is my co-worker Marie. We have a lot in common. Christian faith being the main one. Both our husbands work a lot of overtime, so we often feel like we’re single moms. No matter what, she is always willing to listen to me and share her knowledge of scripture to help me get through the ‘fire.’ I am so glad I met her and love her to pieces.” ~Heidi Z.
“My Palentine’s name is Bobbie and I met her when we moved to Atlanta in 1986. She lived across the street from us and we became fast friends. I soon learned that she was a devout Catholic. At the time, I was Baptist (I’m now Methodist) but we had a lot in common. She was one of the most sincere Christians that I had ever met and she changed my life. She has gone to heaven now and I miss her, but I thank her from the bottom of my heart for ‘renewing a right spirit within me.'” ~Frances G.
So, dear BBFF, who’s your Palentine? Please feel free to share in the response space below with our terrific Too Blessed to be Stressed community. And remember, YOU ARE LOVED!!!!
My Palentine is my best friend of about 53 years or so, Janie. We lived on the same street growing up, so we have literally been through everything together! We’ve cried on each other’s shoulders over heartbreaks and deaths of family members, we’ve rejoiced with each other over weddings and births, and she was the one who invited me to church so I could be saved! Though we both moved away from our hometown, we stay in touch, and when we do get to see each other, it’s like no time has passed at all! Sometimes we laugh so hard it hurts 🙂 I am forever thankful that God brought me such a sweet, funny and special friend! I love you, Janie!
Frances L.
My gift from God is Kriss! He gave her to me in May of 1975 when we met at a tea prior to going to nursing school together. We both helped each other through nursing school and have remained friends since. We can look back and see God’s hand at work in both our lives and how he gave us the wonderful gift of friendship that has lasted 45 years!!! We are both so blessed and thankful!