I have SO enjoyed hearing about your moms and mom/figures and the impact they’ve had on your lives. I couldn’t wait to share as many that would fit in this small space with our awesome community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever); I just know you’ll be as uplifted by them as I was. So without further ado …
My mom was kind and compassionate. She had a love for the Lord and His servants. She was a [biblical] Dorcas. Always making something for someone. She loved giving of her time to do anything she could. ~Abi B.
Cake is like a donut and makes an ideal breakfast. My mom baked weekday cupcakes, no frosting, for afternoon snacks. Leftovers were breakfast treats. Always wanting more, we wondered why these breakfast cupcakes weren’t warm from the oven like the ones our aunt served us. Appreciating my mom and aunt today. They delivered a lot of love with our breakfast cake. ~Pat G.
My mom was the closest thing to a saint there could be. She passed away this past June at the age of 99 years and 10 months. Almost made it to 100! She taught me about Jesus; she taught me how to love unconditionally; she taught about work ethic and being thankful for what the Lord has blessed you with. And how to hold your head high even when life is trying to knock you down. She is missed so much. I was also blessed with a mother-in-law (whom we lost 4 years ago) that was like a second mom to me. She was a great example to all of her family. She had 5 kids in 10 years and started college in her late 20s; she graduated and became a biology and chemistry teacher for 40 years, all the while helping run a family farm and raising the kids. I have been truly blessed having these two Moms in my life. ~Debbie H.
My precious mom was like the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. She was my best friend and I miss her very much. ~Carol M.
The best mom I knew was never a mom. She was a mom figure to me. She was a friend of my adopted mother and ended up as my friend. I loved her so much for seeing who I could be. She was always encouraging. She had wise advice. She understood the world and understood me. Myra had a day job as an executive secretary but her passion was professional opera singing. She even procured me a place in an opera as a child. Wisely no singing part for me. I have a tape of her voice singing opera; I treasure it and our times together. Myra has been gone over 20 years now. I wish I had her to talk with still. I would wish her a Happy Mother’s Day. ~Cindy P.

I’m blessed to have my mom, Luz Braga. I will always remember how she shared her faith in God. And how, at the age of 90, she still remembers all siblings and grandkids’ birthdays (while I at 50 forget some of them and even mine). ~Evangeline M.
Wow! I just love the warm fuzzies these beautiful mom-memories evoke in my innards. What about you, dear BFF?
It’s not too late for you to share your own mom mementos with us and thereby enter the drawing for this lovely prize package in my Mother’s Day Giveaway. Just respond below and I’ll be sure to drop your name in the fedora before the winner is randomly chosen on May 9.
Hugs to you, dearest BFF; wishing you a very blessed Mother’s Day!
Loved reading all the words of blessings of moms! Moms are God’s first touch of love to His creations! Happy Mother’s Day!