Spring has sprung in central Florida! I know many of my BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) are still toasting their toes by the fireplace, so I thought you might enjoy a few pics from the flower state in prep for your own lovelies bursting forth before you know it!

Our wonderful community of sisters love to hear from each other, so please do respond with where you hail from and what you’re most looking forward to

from spring in your neck of the woods!


Hi Deb! Our house here in NC is surrounded by mountain laurel! They are absolutely gorgeous when they bloom and I look forward to that every year. They don’t usually bloom until late May but it is certainly worth the wait.
Oh, I so agree, Frances – mountain laurel are SO worth the wait! I also love it when the rhododendron bloom in the mountains – we have some whoppers surrounding our cabin and when they’re all blooming, you feel like you’ve somehow been dropped into heaven for a few sacred moments.
Beautiful! We have a yesterday today and tomorrow plant. One of my favorites. Looking forward to my roses blooming,
Mine too, Cindy. I have two of them and look forward to their heavenly spring scents every March. What kind of roses do you have? My pineapples have taken over my rose bed so I only have 3 rose bushes left and they’re fighting for their little bits of turf against all the encroaching pineapples.
Pineapples! That must be wonderful! What made you choose pineapples to grow? We have over 150 different types of roses. I know them all by name. My husband does all the work. I just enjoy. I do not have a huge backyard but my husband has been able to strategically arrange the potted roses to fill the backyard and still maneuver around. I will try to remember to send a photo when they bloom mid April.
Oh, Cindy, I’d LOVE to see pics of your roses – I know our whole community of BFFs would too. My rose bed is actually where my pineapples started. It was the only place in our yard that got more than 2-3 hours of sun a day (we have a canopy of oak trees covering the entire yard except that one little corner). When we ate an especially good pineapple, we’d plant the cap in the rose bed. Now they’ve grown and proliferated enough to crowd out the roses and it’s become a pineapple bed with two or three stalwart, persistent roses hanging in there.
The pineapple experiment sounds like something my husband would love to try. I am going to share that with him. We just have to find a spot. 🙂
I will send a photo when the flowers are at their most glorious. Easter season is the best for so many reasons!
Thank you for the beautiful flowers!!! We still have some snow here in New Hampshire. You can just see the buds on the trees starting to break through. Not a flower in sight. Thank you for the spring of hope!
God is such an artist and has such a great imagination! His glorious creations are such a reflection of His love and attention to detail! I’m so thankful for His design of new life in spring!