Greeting, dearest BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) – just a short post this week to check in with you. How are you and your fam holding out these Covid-cautionary days?
We dealt with it last week at our house but quarantine is now over and Spouse is no longer a hunka hunka burning love (had 101-102 fever for four days). For some strange reason, I never got it (tested negative), which is both good and bad. I was happy not to be sick, but sad that I still have the cotton-pickin’ thing still hanging over my head like a threatening dark cloud.
Hey, something really, really AWESOME happened this week! Those of you who responded to my e-newsletter giveaway will be pleased to know that the winners of my celebration contest have been chosen! Those Blessed Friends Forever who get to love on their friends with FREE copies of my little devo, Too Blessed to be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women, are …
CONGRATS to: Pamela Black, Heidi Zoll, and Sherona Waldon, whose closest friends will be cheering soon too!
Each of these sweeties will receive FREE autographed copies to bless THEIR friends in celebration of this little devo hitting the milestone of 1.5 million copies sold. YAY!!!
I love it when my BFFs get to praise the Lord with me in celebration of … well, just about anything! Let’s see, what can I give away next?
[*Be sure to click the newsletter box on your right to subscribe to my FREE e-newsletter – which is not the same as a blog post like this one – so future newsletters will automatically appear in your inbox and you won’t miss a single cool giveaway or celebration.]
And a friendly reminder: If you or someone you know needs a dedicated writing coach who’s been around the publishing block a few times (50+ laps but who’s counting?) to come alongside and help steer through the right channels for successfully getting a book published, do give me a buzz. I’m an AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Assoc) Certified Writing Coach and would be happy to explain what I can do for you via a free consultation. Just click on the “Coach” page right here at my website DeboraCoty.com.
Congratulations ???? to the winners whoop whoop…so thankful that your husband survived Covid . Thank You…our Jehovah Ropha
So happy to make your acquaintance. I came to know about you, from the “Too Blessed to Be Stressed Inspiration for Every Day” devotional, I bought at a ‘high end’ dollar store. I was very pleasantly surprised, reading every daily entry. So I, of course went to your website, to check it out and discover the wonderfulness that is Debora Coty. I look forward to many more blessed insights.
Hey there, Bonnie – so happy to meet you. I LOVE meeting new BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever)! I must say, I didn’t realize that the devo you mentioned was being sold at any dollar stores, high end or otherwise, so I’ll have to chew on that for a while to decide whether it’s a good thing or not. (You’d be surprised how much publishers DON’T tell authors about their books!) I remember Jerry Jenkins telling me once that a “friend” of his (whom he wasn’t so sure really was) traveled the country with business and constantly emailed Jerry photos of his Left Behind books on super-duper-clearance tables he found in bookstores. One was even priced 75 cents. So mine are now a dollar. Well. I guess I need to look at it that they’re still out there at all and Papa God is still using them to reach hearts that need a hug from him. So it’s all good! I’m glad we connected and I hope you’ll check out some of the other books in the Too Blessed to be Stressed series. They (plus some that aren’t in that series) are on my website. A few of the older ones are now available only as e-books, but most are available in print also. Where do you hail from, Bonnie?
Hi Debora, I’m glad to hear your husband is recovering well from COVID and God protected you from it. These are uneasy times we are living in for certain but thankful for the Lord’s mercy everyday.
I’m writing from Tampa, FL as I’ve been reading your Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms Devo on YouVersion Bible app. While I have teens not little ones, it still
Encourages me & I appreciate your humorous writing style like Patsy Clairmont. I’m dealing with my share of stress personally and as a mom, just wanted to thank you for your devo to Moms.
Oh, Sonia – how wonderful to hear from you! I truly delight in meeting new BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) and am SO grateful that you took the time to connect with me. I can’t believe you mentioned Patsy Clairmont – she is one of my literary heroes! Patsy graciously endorsed my very first women’s inspirational humor books, Mom NEEDS Chocolate, and has been one of my favorite sources of personal inspiration for decades. You could not have given me a more FABULOUS and cherished compliment! I hope you’ll also look into my original Too Blessed to be Stressed chapter book (it’s available on Christianbook.com and Amazon.com), which was the “mama” book that birthed all the other Too Blessed to be Stressed books in the series, like Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms (that you mentioned), and Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day (my 365-day devo). Please be sure to subscribe to my blog and my free e-newsletter (both at my website DeboraCoty.com) so we can keep in touch! Hugs to you, sweet sister, and welcome to our awesome community of fun-loving BFFs!