I’ve been thinking about comfort this week. Maybe it’s because the startling flash of cold weather at my home in central Florida (translate: below 60, BRRRR!) has prompted me to seek comfort in unfamiliar sources, like cushy socks, a cup of steaming hot chocolate, plush throws, and my fave Florida Gator beanbag microwaved to a lovely, warm glow.
*BTW, a side note here: if you’re yearning for a bit of choco-goodness but you’re watching your weight like I am, I highly recommend Nestle Fat Free hot chocolate mix (as opposed to sugar free, which has more calories and doesn’t taste nearly as good) … it really does taste like Rich Milk Chocolate, just like the package says, and it’s only 25 calories per mug. A chilly weight-conscious sister’s delight. Only it’s hard to find in stores, so I order mine online in bulk and freeze all but the box I’m using.)
But hey, we often need other means of comfort, don’t we? Not just the physical kind.

My Life Savor verse this week just happens to be (hardly coincidence, right?) 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4, all about receiving and giving comfort. I long ago memorized the NASB version, but I think the New Living Translation (NLT) says it well: “All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”

The Message translation goes on to add in verse 5: “We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort – we get a full measure of that too.”
Wow – I love that! A sticky note reminder for the bathroom mirror if there ever was one! What an awesome source of hope for us during these difficult times of social insanity, political upheaval, and pervasive pandemic fear. The hope that if we seek comfort from Abba, our Papa God, He will indeed gift us His mercies, new every morning, and comfort us in unexplainable ways only He can.
Ways that seem impossible as we struggle to deal with injustice; as we face daily disillusionment with our country and even our world; as people we thought we knew and felt secure with suddenly betray or attack us.

I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say that I certainly feel discouraged sometimes. Oftentimes. Just like you. But I’m finding that Papa God’s comfort is deeper and broader and longer-lasting and infinitely stronger than any other kind of comfort. Yep, even chocolate. And to wrap His comfort around myself like a toasty blanket only requires honest praise from a grateful heart.
And you know what? Despite the bad stuff surrounding us, we can always find something lovely to be thankful for if we dig deep enough, don’t you think? And that’s the very thing that cracks open the door to us receiving real comfort and subsequently being able to offer it to others.
So my friend, where do you find comfort? Please do answer below and share your personal comfort sources with our terrific BFF community. We all learn from each other, right?
P.S. Don’t forget my Palentine Giveaway going on right now! Only a couple of days left to get your name in the fedora to win one of 3 FREE copies of my bestselling hot pink Valentine edition of Too Blessed to be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women for yourself or a BFF! Just click on “Freebies” at my website, DeboraCoty.com to enter. The winners will be announced right here on Feb. 14. Hope you’re one!
I find comfort in knowing that I have such an amazing Heavenly Father that loved me so much, he sent his one and only Son to die on the Cross, be buried and risen on the third day that we can have eternal life if we only believe and ask for forgiveness and live for him.
So true, Naomi – no greater comfort anywhere!
Hi Debora,
I always love your blogs…I find comfort in the Psalms….it gives me much comfort to know that God is All Sovereign, HE leads me to still waters, HE restores my soul.l (Psalm 23)…Isaiah 66:1 (KJV) This says the Lord, “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool”. That verse gives me so much comfort ..Philippians 2:10 (KJV), that at the name of Jesus every knee should now, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth.” (KJV) Now, I have peace that surpasses all understanding thanks to the Almighty God we serve….it helps to read the Word of God while taking a bubble bath….soothing for the soul. Many blessings to you Deborah Cota
Thanks so much, Julie! I agree – things that look so BIG to us look small when we consider we’re living on Papa God’s footstool! I love your idea about studying the Word from a warm bubbly bath … I believe I’ll go check that out right this minute. Hugs, my friend!
Great!!We also have been having cold weather here in Lou Louisiana,also 2 Hurricanes floods and freezes and the viruses?I have been reading devotional my Bible and doing exercises Christian yoga????? Painting do hobbies whatever helped your soul body mind??????
You sound like a busy little bee, Pam. I like the idea of doing Christian yoga; I have an exercise to music class I love attending every week. Moving in any capacity is good! Thanks for taking the time to write – we all love hearing from you.
Hi Deb, I haven’t responded in a while but I still love you. I think I find comfort in sitting at my breakfast bay window watching the birds and squirrels who come to visit our feeders. I look at the bodies on some of the little birds and think what an amazing God we have, that He put all the organs in those tiny little bodies that they need to live. I know it sounds weird but to me it’s just mind boggling. I look at how he created the squirrels with these paws that are so tiny yet powerful. We have a couple of black walnut trees in our yard and watching them peel the husk off the nuts in the fall, Wow! If we want to peel them we have to put them in the driveway and drive over them with the car, where as they peel them as we would an orange! God created all these marvelous little creatures and I find comfort in knowing that He created me too; that He puts it in our hearts to provide the peanuts and corn and birdseed to feed them, and I know it’s in His heart to provide everything I need too. That , I find very comforting.
How beautiful your thoughts are, Kathy. And truly comforting to know by watching the incredible nature that He created that, “His eye is on the sparrow, so I know He watches me.”
I find the greatest comfort in knowing that I am God’s Beloved! I’m not sure where I would be if I didn’t have that confidence in my wee little heart! Next is a warm fireplace and a cup of Real hot chocolate.
You are, my friend, definitely Papa God’s beloved. And you’re my beloved too!
Hola!!! Mi soba de comfort esta en cada mañana leer tu devocional y meditar sobre lo leído, hablar unos minutos con Dios.