I was riding my bike one blazing hot summer afternoon a week or so ago, trying to rustle up a little breeze to pseudo-dry my sweat-swathed skin (I double-dog dare you to say that 3 times fast!). I must say, I wasn’t in the happiest of moods – barely tolerating the scalding sun beating down on my poor lil head.
But I kept pedaling anyway because my tapioca thighs needed jiggling.
I’d started out well an hour before, Mona Lisa-smiling at my rural surroundings in appreciation of Papa God’s creation and even telling Him what an outstanding job He’d done. But then after a while (and a few buckets of sweat splashing into my wake), my prayer turned into mush in my parched mouth, with all the spiritual depth of “Mmmmmmmmm.”
My sense of gratitude swished around the bowl and down the hole.
As you probably already know, I’m not a real athlete – I’m a choco-athlete, which means I exercise just so I can eat more chocolate. But this was soooo not worth it. Not even for Godiva.
So right about the time my get up and go got up and went, I happened to glance upwards and whadaya know? A UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) high in the sky caught my eye. Something up there was moving in the weirdest way and flashing in the sun … like an airborne gigantic black snake undulating against the white backdrop of clouds.

It was odd enough to make me stop my bike in the middle of the road and try to figure out what I was seeing. What a cool … thing! It took several minutes to sort out what it was.
Okay, so the black dots turned out to be a flock of far, faraway birds (I have no idea what kind) dipping and turning and gliding this way and
that on invisible air currents … like synchronized swimmers in a pool of frothy clouds, their wings shimmering in the sun as they all tipped one direction, then nearly disappeared from view in a unified turn heavenward until another precisely choreographed swerve reset their wings aglow with light. But you see, they were so far above me, their wings weren’t really discernable. So they looked like a great mass of twinkle lights as they coiled and waved and entwined together against the curtain of white clouds.
The dozens of participants in this beautiful Sky Dance were in perfect unison, as if they’d practiced together for months.
I dunno. Maybe they had. Don’t have a clue what birds do for fun. All I know is that I had the distinct impression that Papa God was their artistic director and I had been chosen – maybe even destined – to be their singular audience for this exquisite command performance.
It truly was beautiful. Nature at its incredible best. I was so mesmerized, I didn’t even notice the puddle of sweat growing beneath my feet. Nor the car that crept up behind me. Until a horn honked.
But by then I was in a much better mood. Yep, I was downright giddy. Unexpected majestic Sky Dances can do that to a girl.
Leave it to Papa God to know exactly when and where to lift the head of one of His children right out of her dark snark and into His light. I felt truly blessed. Too blessed to be stressed! (Hey, someone should use that for a book title!)
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord” (Psalm 89:15 NIV).
So, dearest BFF (Blessed Friend Forever), when have you walked in the light of His presence via an unexpected blessing like a funky Sky Dance? Talk to us. We (your loving community of BFFs) want to hear from you!
P.S. A special WELCOME to my our new Life Journey BFFs – thanks so much for inviting me to come share a little Jesus-joy and love on your sweet ladies!
Excited me to read words similar to my own thoughts. Kindred spirits to say the least. God bless
Oooh, Sylvia – I’ve prayed for kindred spirits since I read Anne of Green Gables as a child and I’d love it if you’d be my Diana! Wishing you Papa God’s special blessings this week.
God is good – all the time.
I am on vacation and wanting to use the laundromat. One parallel parking place (good sized) but I haven’t done that in years . Papa God had a man walking there who is teaching his son to parallel park and guided into nicely.
Praise the Lord.
Lois, I hear THAT! I haven’t parallel parked in years either since a really bad experience that drew a chuckling crowd. It’s good to look for the blessing in everyday situations, isn’t it? Because if we look hard enough, we’ll always see one. Hugs to you, sister!
Isn’t God the very best?!! He always has something special for us, we just need to look for it! Thanks for sharing!
Yes indeed, Lou. So true! Thanks for taking the time to connect.