Happy New Year dearest BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever)!
Like many of you, I like to spend a few moments at the beginning of each new year reviewing the old year, thanking Papa God for His blessings (better to dwell on those, right?), and seeking a specific word to tape to my computer desk as motivation for the upcoming year.
It’s kind of like adopting a puppy – you want one that will inspire, amuse, and tantalite you, yet at the same time won’t chew up your Birkenstocks. It needs to be challenging but not overwhelming. And it needs to answer a few questions:
What does the Lord have for me in 2024? How does He want me to grow? What are my priorities for how I spend the most precious commodity in my possession … time?
Hmm. I’ve considered a whole bunch of words, but one keeps elbowing its way to the front of the pack as it approaches the finish line.
Become. Yes, Become.
I’ll bet you were expecting a bigger, deeper, more flashy and sophisticated word from an author, huh? Sorry to disappoint but you should know me better than that by now. Plain and simple, no muss, no fuss.
Speaking from my heart, I’m a little nervous about changes in my life the Lord is dangling on the horizon. I’m a creature of habit, and when something new is hatching, I start to sweat. Why can’t everything just stay the way it was in 2014? But then I remember how much I’ve morphed in ten years and see the wisdom in continually moving forward. In becoming.
I don’t want to be 2014 Debbie. I’d rather be 2024 Debbie, even if I don’t really know that chick yet. I want to become whatever girl Papa God has in mind for me, whether I can see her clearly yet or not.
Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from 2023, it’s that I can trust Him with my life. And change may be scary (to me), but it’s not a bad thing. Ask any butterfly.
I’m excited about becoming this year and I’ve decided that’s going to be my perspective, even when I’m tempted to crawl under my bed and claw my way back to 2014 (BTW, nothing of note happened in 2014; it’s just a random year in the past to make my point). In fact, I guess you could say I’m already becoming. I’m currently working on a new devotional (first one in 3 years) and hope to share some BIG news with you in coming posts.
Hey, if you do the word for the year thing, I’d love to hear from you – enter a comment below to share it with our entire community of BFFs and tell us what your word is and what it means to you. Hugs to each of you and blessings for the new year!
My word is Nourish.
Nourish my body, my soul, my friends and family and anyone I come in contact with.
Oooh, I love that, Suzy. It’s one of those words that’s equally applicable to yourself and to others. Stopping right now to pray for you, sister, and that you’ll experience a spirit-nourishing year!
do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.!
Oooh, Erma, I love this: DO. So simple yet direct. Watch out or a famous sports company may borrow it for their commercials!
My word is hope. 2022 was patience. 2023 was character. Yes all in one Bible verse. So I am drawn to books on hope. Just ordered your devo on Hope on Ebay. Already being tested. My husband’s pancreatic cancer of 4 years (slow growing, many miracles) has exhausted almost all chemos, so they are going to try radiation. I, of course assumed this year’s, hope word, meant cancer cured. And it might, for sure our God can do all. In watching for verses and comments on hope, wow it can mean many things…
Oh, Robin, add my hope to yours for your husband this year. “When my anxious inner thoughts become overwhelming, your comfort encourages me” (Psalm 94:19 ISV). I am praying this scripture for you this very minute. Hang onto hope, my friend.