I glanced up during my prayer walk on the Smoky Mt. trail and stopped in my tracks. I declare my mouth fell open. The entire mountainside was covered in gorgeous white flowers called trillium (I learned this from my fauna app). Part of the lily family, unimpeded trillium bulbs apparently proliferate like wildfire and spread themselves thickly over open terrain like forested slopes and valleys.
Wow! Just. Wow.
Not being a mountain native, I had never seen such a profusion of dazzling white beauty all in one place. It blessed me to my socks. Like an unexpected explosion of Jesus-joy!

To my trusting eyes, the three petals of the trillium (prefix “tri”) flower obviously represented the Triune God, the Trinity, or as my brand-new new believer friend once called our three-in-one God, the Holy Triplets. And they had spread all over Papa God’s creation, symbolic of what happens when we share the Good News (gospel) of our faith with hurting souls who are desperate to hear and embrace it.
Like a ripple effect.
Reminds me of a great line from my all-time fave Easter movie, Risen (which I watch every year), when Jesus’s disciple Bartholomew was being interrogated by the oh-so-intimidating Roman Tribune the day after Jesus’s body disappeared from the tomb. Tension was high in the official’s chamber; you could cut it with a dagger. When the Tribune demanded to know where the Nazarene’s followers are now, Nathaniel leaned close to the unbelieving Roman commander and a huge smile of pure Jesus-joy lit his face as he whispered in his ear, “They’re … everywhere!”
I love that. And I love nature’s visual imagery of a mountainside full of proof that Jesus loves me. And you. It was a God-smack moment! Hallelujah! Let the sistren (can’t let the brethren have all the fun!) who have eyes to see, see Truth!
I’d love to hear about a God-smack moment you’ve had recently! Please take a moment to comment below.
Wow! That is so beautiful! I saw hearts a lot! That’s my sign God loves me! I love the “Holy Triplets” in your brand new new friend believer’s word.
Julie, my daughter was a “heart” girl growing up and I still buy everything I see with hearts on it. I know – The Holy Triplets says it all, right? Hugs to you girlfriend!
Opportunities are everywhere if we are in tune to the Holy Spirit! Just a word, smile, or kind gesture can change someone’s day for the better. I was in Seattle last week and God gave me numerous occasions to put in a word for Him. It was indeed a blessed week!
Well said, Judy! Tuning into the HS is the key! He’s always broadcasting and we just need to find His frequency. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Hugs, girlfriend!
I love seeing all the winged blessings from God – all shapes and sizes which reminds me that “His eye is on the Sparrow, and I know He watches me”. Matt. 10: 29-31.
Blessings in flight over me!