I’m a landlubber. Yes, I’ll admit it – my sea legs are as wobbly as a newborn colt’s. Probably has something to do with my first experience aboard a cruise ship while celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary.
Wait. Did I say ship? My bad. it was more like an oversized cork, bobbing up and down on the turbulent Gulf of Mexico for five days with ten-foot waves sloshing over the railings as Hurricane Gilbert wiped out Cozumel, our destination.
I quickly learned what the inside of a paper bag looked like. I’d never felt so helpless and hopeless. Up and down. Back and forth. Hour after hour the boat lurched. And there was nothing we could do to improve our lot. Medication and shots didn’t help; we ran out of seasick bags after the third day. It was the most miserable, stressful vacation ever.
After my own maritime experience, the storm that rocked Jesus’ boat took on new meaning:
“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling. But He [Jesus] was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, ‘Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?’ Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” ~Mark 4:37-39 NKJV
“Peace be still.” Wow. Three simple words that stilled the storm, calmed the winds, and brought peace to those in turmoil. No more retching over the rails, no more being tossed about by forces over which you have no control. Just what we hope Jesus will do in the storms of our lives.
Hey, did you notice what Jesus was doing during the worst of the tempest? He was in the stern, curled up on a pillow, asleep. Does that sound like someone panicking about his horrendous situation? Someone stressed out, fearful, or frantic?
Not at all. It sounds like someone completely at peace with God and Himself, regardless of His circumstances. Someone whom I aspire to emulate.
But you know, Jesus doesn’t always quell the storms of our lives, does He? Sometimes we have to experience the strength of the wind and waves before we can appreciate the peace He brings. And it might not be external peace at all; our outward circumstances might continue to surge all around us, but that doesn’t mean He can’t bring us internal peace in the midst of the chaos. “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29:11 NIV)
Sometimes Jesus calms the storm. Sometimes he stills the stress-pool. But He always calms our hearts.
*Adapted from Deb’s contribution to Arise to Peace Daily Devotional.
Nicely put, Deb. He is always the answer, and all we need.