So what’s your kneejerk answer to the question this title imposes – yes? no? I have no clue? Sure, I do it all the time?
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you already know my answer is D. I probably do it a little too often, but it keeps my spiritual tendrils living and vibrant (as opposed to faded and stale). I guess that’s why I like sitting behind the enthusiastic fellow in the Worship Service who always “talks back” to the preacher with affirmations like, “Yep!” “Uh huh!” “You said it!” “That’s right!” and “Do it, Jesus!”
Keeps a smile on my face experiencing this guy’s dynamic communication with the Creator of the Universe and I have no doubt Jesus wants to pat him on the bald head and with a big grin and croon, “Awww. You’re so adorable!”
Anyway, I like to look for the funny in all situations and today I’d like to share with you a few LOL vignettes I’ve collected from church settings:
One Sunday while I was visiting a church on an out-of-town trip, the (totally serious) pastor was naming important dates in history we all remember to make a point for his sermon – “Which of us can ever forget that victorious September day in 1969 when Buzz Lightyear first stepped on the moon?” (He apparently meant Buzz Aldrin but it was really Neal Armstrong.) I think I was the only one who LOLed.
After a women’s Bible Study, a friend got in line behind me at the refreshment table. I knew she was diabetic, and as she reached for a luscious chocolaty brownie, I whispered, “Are you allowed to have that?” She thought about it a long second then nodded. “I’ll shoot up.”
Our pastor stressed being friendly and meeting new people at the church as part of his sermon. So after the service when we all headed into the fellowship hall for a potluck, I intentionally went over to sit by a woman I didn’t know. We had pleasant conversation and stood in line to fill our plates together.
After returning to the table, she leaned close to me and confided, “I’m so happy to have you as a friend. I don’t have many friends because people are afraid of me. They call me a criminal. But I didn’t do it. I’m no pedophile. It was just a huge misunderstanding.” The bite of mashed potatoes I was chewing turned to cement in my mouth. Now what was I supposed to do? What would you have done? Flailing about for something spiritually wise to say (and finding nothing), I said the first thing that popped into my head. “Well, I want you to be my friend, not my babysitter.” Oh, mercy. I could feel the Almighty’s eyes rolling.

Scanning the announcements in our Sunday church bulletin without my glasses, I was surprised to see a notice for “Women’s Basketball” that week. Hmm. That’s different, I thought. Sounds like fun- I’m in! Then I slipped on my readers and realized it said, “Women’s Breakfast.”
Okay dearest BFF (Blessed Friend Forever) – now it’s your turn. I’d love for you to share a church LOL in the comments below!
And for those of you who’ve kindly expressed an interest in helping out with my launch team for my new 365-day devo coming out in July, I’ll be posting more details on how to do that soon. I just received my completed cover – what do you think?
I love your completed cover. I loved your answer by the way, “I want you to be my friend, not my babysitter.” Seems as if the person is innocent. Continue to show the love of Christ.
I know, Julie – that’s the conundrum, isn’t it, when communicating with people who are overt “sinners.” The thing is, I am too. We all are. Some of our sins are hidden better than others, but we all need compassion to connect on a heart-to-heart level no matter what we’ve done. I don’t know if she was innocent or not – that’s between her and Papa God – and I’m not sure it really matters if you’re trying to act as Papa God’s ambassador. Redemption is His forte.
Love the new fresh cover Deb
So glad you like it, Carla. We thought it was different from the hot pink “Too Blessed to be Stressed” color brand, but still had enough pink to tie them together a bit. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
I love, love the cover!!!! Can’t wait to read it. Your stories always amused me! Thank you so much!
Thanks so much, Deb!
If the title was, “Bless Your Little Heart” would bring a laugh in the South!!!
Yep, I wanted to call it, “Bless Your Heart, You Twit” but the publishers wouldn’t go for it.