I’m so excited – it’s my miracle anniversary! It was during this week last year (2023) I was notified about a very important milestone in my writing career: 2 million copies of my Too Blessed to be Stressed series had sold! Inconceivable! (nod to the Princess Bride there) But that’s what miracles are … inconceivable to ...
Court Lessons
As you may know, if you’ve followed my blog for a while, I’m a diehard tennis fan (I wanted to say “diehard tennis player” there, but since I’m benched betwixt knee replacements, to my utmost regret, it’s not true at the moment). But I am still a huge fan and in case you aren’t, I ...
Getting No Satisfaction
A few days ago I was doing a little yardwork when I was startled by a sharp metallic tat-tat-tat noise above my head. Backing away, I noticed a red-headed woodpecker pecking away at the aluminum rain gutter beneath the eave of the house. Not the wisest use of his time, I suggested. Ten minutes later, ...
Your Secret Talent
I was watching an interview and the host asked the celebrity interviewee to tell the audience something about themselves that no one else knew. At least something that wasn’t common knowledge (maybe a couple of other people know and that’s okay!). A secret talent. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? So let’s do it! I put ...
Paying Back and Paying Forward
Just when you think kindness is going the way of the dodo bird (becoming extinct), you hear a story like this one. Thank heavens – hope lives! A couple days ago, as soon as the sun came up, my cousin Howard (age 72) spent four hours working in his vegetable garden in north Florida until ...
Rules of Life
I recently ran across an account of a marvelous Frenchwoman named Jeanne Louise Calment (who was born in 1875) and I just have to share some of the wit and wisdom Jeanne wrote about herself at age 120, which she called “The Rules of Life” (she passed away at 122). I would have loved to ...
They’re Everywhere!
I glanced up during my prayer walk on the Smoky Mt. trail and stopped in my tracks. I declare my mouth fell open. The entire mountainside was covered in gorgeous white flowers called trillium (I learned this from my fauna app). Part of the lily family, unimpeded trillium bulbs apparently proliferate like wildfire and spread ...
On a prayer walk through the woods, I came across this astounding sight of a tree near the top of a mountain that had been hit by a bolt of lightning. The tree was shredded, splintered into long strips that left the tree apparently lifeless and utterly destroyed through no fault of its own. But ...
Fishy Blessings
For a time, my 7-year-old grandprincess wanted to be a professional fisherwoman when she grew up. When I was her age, I dreamed of being a ballerina or a grocery store cashier (both equally glamorous jobs in my estimation), but with two brothers and a dad who loved nothing better than gripping a rod in ...
My Pace Place
You got to move it, move it! You got to move it, move it! There – has that song worm embedded itself in your brain for the rest of the day? It most assuredly has in mine. But hey, that might as well be my theme song these days. You may recall me mentioning a ...