Hey BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever)! Need a terrific Christmas gift idea for your girlfriends? www.Christianbook.com has my 365-day devotional Too Blessed to be Stressed: 3-Minute Daily Devotions for Morning & Evening on Black Friday super sale for only $2.49 each!!! (They retail at $19.99). Here’s the direct link to cut and paste: https://www.christianbook.com/stressed-devotions-morning-evening-flexible-casebound/debora-coty/9781643527253/pd/527257?product_redirect=1&search_term=Too%20Blessed&Ntt=527257&item_code=&ps_exit=PRODUCT|legacy&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP Shipping is also ...
First Scoop
Hi there BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever), I’ve been sidelined by a bad head cold for the past week or so and I’m still stalled out in Brainfogland, but I wanted you to know I’m still thinking about you and praying for you (betwixt coughs). I’d like to gift you with a little reading from one ...
Ah-Ha! Moments
I love it when you, my beloved BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) share with me, from time to time, Ah-Ha! moments you’ve encountered during your study of the Bible. You know, a revelatory moment when something hits home that you’ve read a hundred times but never really found terribly meaningful before. So I’d like to return ...
Sharing Jesus-Joy
Oooweee, I had such a lovely weekend making new BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) in Tennessee! I enjoyed sharing a little Jesus-joy at the Aldersgate Methodist Women’s Luncheon, church home of my longtime friend, Lydia Smith. It was such fun! The ladies from all over Jackson were wonderful and laughed at all the right places during ...
A Day Off the Pain Treadmill
Are you ready for another amazing grace note? I hope you like to hear about them as much as I like telling you about Papa God’s little everyday touches of grace that keep us aware of his presence and interaction in our lives. (Hey, you know I want to hear about your grace notes too, ...
Generalized Generic Grumpiness
I was having one of those gloomy, grumpy weeks when everyone I encountered was annoying. Mama always said when everyone else rubs you the wrong way, you must be the one bristling in the wrong direction. So yeah, I knew the problem lay with the gal in the mirror, but I couldn’t pinpoint why. Hormones? ...
Laying it On Thick
Ewww. Now I’m not complaining about aging (or maybe I am) but who amongst us of a certain age takes a daily calcium supplement (besides me)? If you do, would you mind answering a few questions? Is your supplemental calcium in liquid, pill, or bugspray form? (Do I ever wish it came as an aerosol!) ...
Meeting the Mayor
I was walking down a tree-lined sidewalk the other day, enjoying a slight respite from the 900 degree summer heat. A flash of gray caught the corner of my eye. A squirrel was zooming down from the upper branches of a tree I was about to pass, as if on a mission. He flew down ...
It’s Your Serve
My friend Amy told me about a man in her apartment complex who greets her from his wheelchair whenever she comes or goes. Joe recently shared with her how the desire of his heart was to serve the Lord in some way, but because of his disability, he didn’t feel that he had anything to ...
Waiting Time Isn’t Wasted Time
I’ve been studying the Old Testament again (love all those amazing stories!) and noticed something in 2 Samuel chapter 5 that caught my eye. Now at first glance, it seems to hold no special meaning, so hang tight until I explain its significance. “David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned ...