Sister-mom, are you stressed under? Does everything feel like it’s heaped on top of you and you’re unable to wriggle out from beneath the pile?
If so, you need an intervention before your hope gets smothered under there. Not to scare you, but hopelessness is a very real possibility. Its seeds are planted amid relentless busyness, and you don’t realize it’s taken root and started to kudzu your spirit until you can no longer envision a tomorrow that isn’t as bleak as today.
With our attention splintered a dozen ways at once, the symptoms of being overly stressed can blindside us: unexplained upset stomach, headaches, muscle or joint pain, irritability, inability to focus, insomnia, sudden outbursts of anger, binge-eating or loss of appetite, chronic fatigue, sullenness, lack of interest in things you used to enjoy.

Any of these chirp your ringtone?
Okay then. It’s time to take care of your own needs for a while. Your body is telling you (gut problems), your spirit is telling you (yes, it absolutely is spiritual warfare!), and your emotions are telling you (anxiety): Help! I need a change!
When the jeans on your attitude are inflicting a wedgie, you need to unbutton. Adjust. Loosen your uptight. Anxiety is Satan’s best took to burn us out and make us flimsy, one-dimensional Flat Stanleys when we could be Robust Robertas.
“You revive my drooping head” (Psalm 23:5 MSG).
*Adapted from Deb’s brand new book, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms (available NOW at all online distributors such as Amazon, CBD, and Barnes & Noble, and in Christian bookstores everywhere!). Used with permission from Barbour Publishing.
So what do you think of my new book so far, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever)? I’ll be posting passages from Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms throughout Aug and Sept. If you know a stressed-out mom who might be blessed by this brief excerpt, will you please forward this post to her? Many thanks!

Important announcement: Congrats to the winner of my Blessed Mom Giveaway #2, Sherry Pentecost. Sherry won a lovely gift package including an adorable Blessed Mom tee plus lots of other “Blessed” goodies I’ve been collecting just for these giveaways.
There’s good news for you too, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever):
Blessed Mom Giveaway #3 has just begun! The goodies in each prize package just keep piling up, getting bigger and better with every giveaway. (Yet another cool “Blessed” tee is included in this prize package too, as modeled by my daughter-in-love Rebecca on your left!)
And best of all, if you enter giveaway #3, your name will stay in the running for giveaway #4, the final fantastic “Blessed” blowout!

This contest will only last a week, so get your name in the fedora today before the drawing on Sept 5. The winner will be announced first on my Facebook author page (to follow me there and get all the breaking news first, just “like” my page, “Debora M. Coty, author”).
To enter Blessed Mom Giveaway #3, hop over to my website DeboraCoty.com, and click on “freebies” and then the giveaway.
Hey, someone will win all these fabulous prizes – it oughta be you!
And FYI: I’m currently whirling through a frenzy of promotional activities and interviews during the release of Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms. If you’d like to catch some of the radio or TV interviews (there’s a really fun one on CTN airing Sept 5 and another on Babbie’s House in Atlanta in Oct), you can find them all listed on the Events page here at DeboraCoty.com.