Hey y’all, I’m so excited! It’s been a while since I’ve had the privilege of getting together with my faithful BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) at a local (meaning central Florida) church and I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming FREE event which will give me the opportunity to hug your necks! Mark your calendars now for ...
Facing the New Year With a Smile
Yes, I know. My New Year’s post is a bit tardy. Guilty as charged. My excuses are lame but legitimate: I’ve been busy finishing my new daily devotional scheduled to release later this year (I’ll keep you posted with details). The first few weeks of 2025 came and went on a gust of wind. I ...
It’s Tradition!
So here it is, December, the jumping off place for my Just Do it Debbie Diet, my unorthodox and slightly eccentric weight management program that I self-inflict during the first two months of each year. If you are a faithful blog-follower, you may recall that every January 1, I stop eating everything yummy and force myself to ...
My Man
Hey y’all, today is my wedding anniversary. 46 years to be precise. In honor of my fella, who was, is, and always will be my biggest fan. The only one who can bring me Mucinex (I have a cold) and chocolate for my anniversary and get away with it. I wrote a lil’ poem. That ...
Beauty IS the Beast
It’s the first of the year so I’m currently on my annual January-February diet struggling to lose the 15 pounds I gained last year. Yep, it’s a bit bizarre but it works for me. This is the seventh year I start the year out by shedding the additional weight and then gradually gain it back ...
Welcome New BFFs!
Well, dearest friends, I understand we have a new influx of BBFs, who are now officially BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever), joining our awesome community of girlfriends and I want to extend a HUGE WELCOME to those here for the first time. Many are dipping their toes in the Too Blessed to be Stressed blog ...
Sweet Enemy
It’s that rubber-meets-the-road time of year again for me. Or maybe I should call it the muffintop-meets-waistbasket season. Yup. Time for my get-back-into-your-jeans diet that runs annually from January 1 until Feb 14 (strategically chosen ending date so I can scarf Valentine chocolate!). I started this unpleasant but vital tradition five years ago and although ...
Chocolate for Breakfast
Bet you didn’t realize when you read the title of this post that it would be a how-to. You thought it would be a confession of guilt or a gentle rebuke or a wistful dream. Nah. Chocolate for breakfast is reality for those of us enlightened to the best way to start the day. Those ...
Won’t You be my Palentine?
Sparkles, chocolate, and a couple of great reads … what’s not to love? It’s my delicious February Giveaway: Won’t You be my Palentine? Just send me a photo or written description of someone (hey, it doesn’t necessarily have to be human) who makes your heart melt into a puddle and I’ll drop your name in ...