Welcome to Day Four of the 7 Days of Christmas, a fun week of stories, thoughts, and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. Just a little gift from me to you, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever). Scroll back to catch up on the previous posts! “The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God.” (Luke 2:20 ...
A Place for Jesus
Glad you’re back for the third day of the 7 Days of Christmas, a fun week of stories, thoughts and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. If you haven’t already subscribed to my blog, be sure to (button on the right of your screen) so tomorrow’s post will automatically pop up in your inbox. “Then ...
Bending the Rules
Welcome back to my third installment of the 7 Days of Christmas, a full, fun week of stories, thoughts, and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. Just a little gift from me to you, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever). May your blessings outweigh your stressings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! (Scroll ...
Five Incredible Words
Welcome to my second love note during these marvelous 7 Days of Christmas, a full, fun week of stories, thoughts, and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. Just a little gift from me to you, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever). May your blessings outweigh your stressings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! ...
Christmas Blessings
Welcome to 7 Days of Christmas, a full, fun week of stories, thoughts, and scripture leading up to Christmas Day. Just a little gift from me to you, dear BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever). May your blessings outweigh your stressings as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! “‘Don’t be frightened, Mary,’ the angel told ...
Bless This Mess
Dearest BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever), I do apologize for my brief hiatus of the past few weeks here in Blogworld, but I’ve been blogged down (er, I mean bogged down) tending to a wrecked knee – a torn meniscus, the Ortho insists. Surgery will commence in January. Since this is my “good” knee (the ...
Thanksgiving Means Giving Thanks, Even for Plan Z
As Thanksgiving approached, the only thing my friend Debbie, mother of eight, found in her freezer was a pound of ground meat. Finances were tight. Her husband had been holding down three part-time jobs since being laid off the year before. With company coming for Thanksgiving dinner, Debbie really wanted to serve a traditional turkey, ...
Word Fun Winner!
Congrats to the winner of my random Neologisms drawing: Carolyn Law! Thanks for playing, everybody! And a tip o’ the hat to all the Word Nerds who sent in some very clever new definitions for old words. Loved each and every one of them! (Scroll back to last week’s post to LOL at some real ...
Old Becomes New
Okay, BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever), thought we’d have a little fun with words this week. (Keep reading to the end for your chance to win a fun prize!) Like most authors, I am, after all, something of a wordsmith and adore discovering the hidden humor lurking behind certain letter combos. Ever heard the term, ...
Why Creeks Dance
Because Papa God has called me to write about the red-hot topic of stress, I get lots of feedback from readers of my Too Blessed to be Stressed books. I consider it a privilege – and a responsibility I take very seriously – when I get messages from my BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) requesting prayer ...