First of all, I want to thank everyone who sent in their favorite Easter memory for my Easter Blessing Giveaway (hang tight – the winner is announced at the end of this post); you had me laughing one minute and crying the next. I was so touched by all your stories that I wanted to share a few of them with my BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) to bless your heart too:
Easter is so special to me; the entire week is just a time of remembrance and honor of the sacrifice made for us. My favorite Easter memory is the day my husband and I and our two children were baptized on Easter. It was the beginning of a journey that has led me to an amazing Christian church where I was again baptized Easter weekend three years later. ~Vera A.
I was six years old and it was Good Friday. My mom and older sisters were making Easter eggs in the kitchen. My two older brothers and I were on the porch when one of them yelled, “Let’s run a race!” I found myself flying through the air and on the way down, I hit the pump handle. Unbeknownst to any of us, I had damaged my spleen.
My parents took me to the hospital the next day. Mom dressed me in my new Easter dress and patent leather shoes. I lay on the backseat of the car, wrapped in blankets. They observed me until Easter Sunday when my spleen, literally, broke in half.
I was taken to surgery where five doctors worked over me. It was the first splenectomy ever done in our small rural hospital.

In some ways I identified with our Savior … at least the part where I became well. My first child was also born on Good Friday. I will be happy if nothing monumental ever happens to me again on Good Friday; knowing that Jesus died for me is good enough. ~Sandi A.
Walking the Via de la Rosa in Jerusalem, crying, and praying that I would love like Jesus. Then the man behind me pinched my bottom. In shock, I turned around ready to punch him. Oh, how little like Jesus am I. Jesus responds with love. I responded with a slap. On my knees daily. ~Elaine M.
My favorite Easter memory was about 26 years ago … we were new to the Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church and a family called the Gardner’s invited us to their home for Easter day. Our son Patrick was only three and we had no family around. I will NEVER forget that Easter and how much it meant and still means to me. ~Bonnie VH
*Deb’s comment: Bonnie’s memory is very special to me because my young family, too, was adopted for Easter and special holidays by a family from this very same church back when we had no blood-family in the area. I’m eternally grateful to the Barber’s for enveloping us into their tribe and becoming our forever heart-family! Dearest BFF, is there someone you can reach out to this Easter who needs a heart-family?
My late husband Jesse and I were serving at a small church in Winston, Mo. while he was in Seminary at Midwestern. We had planned a sunrise service for Easter morning to be held in the small park across from the church that sat on a little hill. We carried my keyboard and a karaoke for sound. Well … it snowed. Unexpectedly. We had planned to sing a duet together with the music on karaoke but had no electricity due to power outage.
Jesse said a few words, read scripture and then looked at me! Well, I went to stand beside him and we began to sing without accompaniment. The Lord blessed us. It came out better than it ever had with music. Our voices carried in the early morning beauty of the sunrise and we could feel HIS presence. There were tears in eyes and raised hands to God. It was a memory never to forget. ~Paulette S.
Spring in Illinois can be a tad windy. This was especially true one Easter many years ago. We were overjoyed to have a clear, sunshiny day so the Easter egg hunt could be outside. We hid the plastic eggs but the kids didn’t have to find them … they had to chase them! It became so windy that the eggs were literally rolling away. ~Connie J.
My favorite Easter memory was when I was 10 years old. We didn’t have the money for Easter baskets or candy or a new outfit, but my mom wanted to make it special. So we all got dressed and walked down to the pond behind our house. We climbed into our homemade boat and right at that moment, we heard my mom say, “Look, y’all!”
Down beside the boat was a bunch of weeds, but what was in the weeds is what was so astonishing. There lay a huge rabbit all stretched out, just laying there. We each took turns reaching over to pet it. We were surprised it allowed us to.
We sat for nearly thirty minutes petting this huge rabbit. He was brown with a white fluffy tail. We all agreed that this had to be the real Easter Bunny (probably resting from delivering all those eggs). Finally the rabbit had his fill of attention and jumped into the water and swam away. Yes, rabbits can swim – which is something we learned that day. It turned out to be the best Easter ever because we got to see the Easter Bunny. ~Melissa H.
When I was a young child, we went to the park every Easter. My grandpa was still alive; we’d arrive at the park early, usually as soon as church was over. We’d bar-b-que, have an Easter egg hunt, as well as water fights. I remember playing volleyball and even badminton.
One Easter, we had the egg hunt and the eggs had ben filled with money, ranging from $1 to $100. Only one egg had $100 in it and well, I happened to be the one to find the big one. I was so excited. Sadly, it was the last Easter Sunday my grandpa spent with us. I’ll never forget those wonderful times. ~Adriana F.
Okay, BFFs, I hope you’ve enjoyed these marvelous Easter memories as much I have. And now, the news you’ve been waiting for … Special congrats to the winner of my …
Easter Blessings Giveaway: Pam Grant! Pam will

receive a copy of my new 365-day devotional, Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Every Day, a Too Blessed to be Stressed shirt like the one I’m wearing in the photo, and a special fun Easter surprise from me. (It’s a yummy one too!)
Again, many thanks to all of you who entered! Stay tuned for another great giveaway coming your way.
And in the meantime, I wish you a happy and holy Resurrection Day!
Great stories!! Easter is very special. Congrats to the winner!!
I am shocked and super exited! Thank you!
Happy Easter Deb! God Bless you!