So what’s your kneejerk answer to the question this title imposes – yes? no? I have no clue? Sure, I do it all the time? If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you already know my answer is D. I probably do it a little too often, but it keeps my spiritual tendrils living and vibrant ...
Exciting News!
I was thrilled to start my speaking season off with a wonderful evening with my new BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) at a Tampa church last week. What fun! We shared lots of laughs, yummy choco-treats, terrific door prizes, and we learned some great practical tips about developing biblically-based communication along the way. The topic of ...
Can You Hear Me Now?
Hey y’all, I’m so excited! It’s been a while since I’ve had the privilege of getting together with my faithful BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) at a local (meaning central Florida) church and I’m thrilled to announce an upcoming FREE event which will give me the opportunity to hug your necks! Mark your calendars now for ...
Do You Hate to Wait?
I do. Oh, yeah. I’m a wait-hater. If you’ve followed my blog for more than two weeks you already know this. Patience is not my gig. Grousing feels exponentially more cathartic for me. “Hurry up and wait” is my hair-ripping, life-long archenemy. The bad part about patience is I’m a slow learner and must relearn ...
Two New Biblical Heroines
If you’ve followed my blog long, you know I love to share some personalized Bible study insights from time to time. I recently ran across an interesting Old Testament story that I’ve read many times before, but somehow saw it in a whole new light this time around. The two heroines of the story aren’t ...
Laughter is a Catalyst for Releasing Joy
I’m loving the time I get to spend in the weekly Bible/book study I’m currently leading with about twenty awesome ladies, using my first ever chapter book, Too Blessed to be Stressed: Inspiration for Climbing Out of Life’s Stress-Pool. (Yep, that’s the “mama” book from 2011 that birthed the other 40+ Too Blessed to be ...
Facing the New Year With a Smile
Yes, I know. My New Year’s post is a bit tardy. Guilty as charged. My excuses are lame but legitimate: I’ve been busy finishing my new daily devotional scheduled to release later this year (I’ll keep you posted with details). The first few weeks of 2025 came and went on a gust of wind. I ...
Creepy is in the Eyes of the Beholder
As dyed-in-the-seersucker Floridians, we don’t usually get many winter opportunities to wear socks with our flip flops, knit beanies, long sleeves, or even jackets. But YAY! The past few weeks have dolloped a wad of cold weather on us down here. Besides the frozen iguanas raining on our heads and catatonic gators we have to ...
V is for Victory
I sincerely hope you and yours celebrated the birth of our Savior with happiness and holiness dear BFF (Blessed Friend Forever)! My holiday took a strange and unexpected twist. A bit of background first: You may recall that I’ve been diligently working all year on a new 365-day devotional that was contracted to be completed ...
Managing Stress-pectations
That most wonderful time of the year is once again here and many of us have already built up great expectations (nod to Dickens) for these holy days we call holidays. Amid the lavish decorations, yummy cookies, and countless rolls of wrapping paper, we vow to keep our Messiah in a manger front and center ...