Hey y’all, today is my wedding anniversary. 46 years to be precise. In honor of my fella, who was, is, and always will be my biggest fan. The only one who can bring me Mucinex (I have a cold) and chocolate for my anniversary and get away with it. I wrote a lil’ poem. That ...
Do You have a Sir Lancelot?
If you’ve read any of my Too Blessed to be Stressed books, you’re already acquainted with my trusty metallic prayer & praise partner, Sir Lancelot. Lance for short. My 21st century loyal steed, Lance transports me through time and space to the very throne room of my King as I worship in the Cathedral of Papa God’s ...
Thou Shalt Not Criticize Me
This week marks the third anniversary of the beginning of my ministry as a certified writing coach. I truly love, love, love meeting new or aspiring writers, hearing about their callings, and helping them set and reach goals for attaining their writing dreams. Critiquing their work is often part of the growing process and I ...
Fish Out of Water
As a professional writer, I attend writers conferences whenever I can. Since I write in the Inspirational (Christian) genre, I prefer to visit Christian conferences to catch up on industry news and trends. But occasionally, I’m invited to speak at secular writers conferences (generally larger than Christian conferences), where I find myself in a parallel ...
Peace in the Stress-Pool
I’m a landlubber. Yes, I’ll admit it – my sea legs are as wobbly as a newborn colt’s. Probably has something to do with my first experience aboard a cruise ship while celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary. Wait. Did I say ship? My bad. it was more like an oversized cork, bobbing up and down on ...
We’ve Got Some Winners!
First of all, MANY thanks to all of my BFFs who entered the giveaway to celebrate the miraculous anniversary of my 2 millionth (is that a word?) book in the Too Blessed to be Stressed series! It was too hard to pick only three names out of the fedora. So I didn’t. I picked four. ...
I’m so excited – it’s my miracle anniversary! It was during this week last year (2023) I was notified about a very important milestone in my writing career: 2 million copies of my Too Blessed to be Stressed series had sold! Inconceivable! (nod to the Princess Bride there) But that’s what miracles are … inconceivable to ...
Court Lessons
As you may know, if you’ve followed my blog for a while, I’m a diehard tennis fan (I wanted to say “diehard tennis player” there, but since I’m benched betwixt knee replacements, to my utmost regret, it’s not true at the moment). But I am still a huge fan and in case you aren’t, I ...
Getting No Satisfaction
A few days ago I was doing a little yardwork when I was startled by a sharp metallic tat-tat-tat noise above my head. Backing away, I noticed a red-headed woodpecker pecking away at the aluminum rain gutter beneath the eave of the house. Not the wisest use of his time, I suggested. Ten minutes later, ...
Your Secret Talent
I was watching an interview and the host asked the celebrity interviewee to tell the audience something about themselves that no one else knew. At least something that wasn’t common knowledge (maybe a couple of other people know and that’s okay!). A secret talent. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? So let’s do it! I put ...