On Day 1 of 7 Days of Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving … Nancy K. is thankful that she is: Blessed to be a year-round volunteer for Operation Christmas Child Blessed to have the Lord Jesus Christ leading my life! Blessed to have a wonderful husband Blessed to have two wonderful children and their spouses, ...
Tribute to My Mama
Hey y’all, my mama’s 90th birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I’d like to ask a favor from you. I’d love to be able to present her with 90 birthday greetings at the reception my sis and I are throwing for her in my home, just to lavish some well deserved ...
When It All Comes A’Tumbling Down
Do you believe in curses? Can’t say that I ever have, really, but this thing keeps happening to us and I don’t know what else to call it. So it happened again last week. Heavy sigh. Yep, the Coty Curse of Falling Trees struck once more. Seems that almost every time we leave home for ...
One Word That Says It All
Don’t you love it when you’re rushing through your daily quiet time, expecting … well, nothing (how sad is that?) – you’re just trying to get it done so you can get on with the important things on your to-do list – when a particular scripture jumps off the page of your Bible and ...
New Girlfriends are SO much Fun!
This week, I had the privilege of hangin’ with one of my longtime pedestal-people, Babbie Mason, chatting about my new book, Too Blessed to be Stressed for Moms. You probably know Babbie as an incredibly gifted singer from her mega-hits like “All Rise,” but it was pure joy to get to know her as ...
Still Judging Books by their Covers
We had been enjoying our getaway to our remote Smoky Mt cabin when we learned that a strong storm front was predicted to blow through by the weekend. My eyes immediately shifted to the row of trees I’d been worried about for some time; the soil had eroded beneath their exposed roots, there on the ...
Blabber Control Issues
Papa God has a wonderful sense of humor and He loves it when we laugh. Especially moms. Because everyone knows when Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy, and when Mama laughs, the whole house rocks. I believe laughter is the best salve for the skinned knees of the spirit. And heaven only knows how many ...
40 Years of Wedded Blitz (I mean Bliss)
The Almighty deserved a high five when He matched me with my Chuck. But we’re not one of those palsy-walsy couples who do everything together; we understand and respect our differences. Chuck’s into quality. I’m into quantity. He’ll painstakingly fix a broken fifty-cent item if it takes all week. I’ll toss it and buy ...
Just Over It
Ever have one of those days, when mothering drains you dry? When lil’ Princess Leia has a hysterical meltdown in the candy aisle, or Mama’s boy Roy decides to taste-test his fresh nose pickings during the children’s choir performance. Or drama queen Ilene screams with a vengeance those three heart-shattering words you never, ever, in ...
Scabs and Scars
Healing (and I’m not just talking about physical healing here) is a process; it can flow fluidly from start to finish or get stalled at any stage in between. For example, sometimes you may be dealing with scabs; at other times, scars. There’s a difference. Contrary to what your eyes tell you, scabs aren’t a ...