Hey there dearest BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever)! I’m on vacay this week so I thought I’d just share a few of the sights from my remote Smoky Mt. hideaway. The 30 degree drop in temperature alone is an enormous relief. I hope you, too, will seize the day and make your own opportunity to ...
We All Need a Little Magic
So I was traipsing (okay, more like trudging) up the steep trail to the top of our mountain the other day when I was stopped in my tracks. Just off the beaten path, I was astonished to find myself at the threshold of a highly creative wood elf. Or maybe a wee hobbit. Or a ...
Am I Someone’s Great Gift From God?
Today’s post is inspired by the random winner of my recent Mother’s Day Giveaway: Danielle Robertson. In order to enter the giveaway, you were asked to share with our awesome community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) a few sentences about your mom or the mom-figure who most touched your life. This was Danielle’s heart-warming entry: ...
Celebrating Moms
I have SO enjoyed hearing about your moms and mom/figures and the impact they’ve had on your lives. I couldn’t wait to share as many that would fit in this small space with our awesome community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever); I just know you’ll be as uplifted by them as I was. So without ...
Fame is Forever Fleeting
Fame was my friend this week. I know, whose fame, right? What I mean is, because someone knew who I was through my writing and therefore was willing to trust me, I was able to act as Jesus’ love with skin on it. When I was a girl, I dreamed of one day becoming a ...
Pandemic Prayers
Are you, like me, eager to pray for, well … everything concerning the COVID-19 crisis assaulting our world at present, but you just can’t fathom how to cover the vast myriad of needs? Then I have great news for you, my BBFF (Blessed Blog Friend Forever)! Last week I received this terrific list of Prayer Points specifically ...
Cuddlers in Warm Jammies
“Mimi,” my 4-year-old grandson Breydon implored, his sleepy brown eyes gazing up into my own, “would you sing us a song?” He and his twin sister Breeja filled my lap as we snuggled close for prayers in the rocking chair at the end of a long day. (I’ve always assured them that Papa God was ...
Cross My Heart
Okay folks, this is the last post about my freshly unearthed memory-treasures from my COVID-19 clean-out-the-attic project. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die; stick a needle in my eye. Step on a crack, break my mama’s back. If I lie, spit in my eye. Sorry. Something about the memories all this childhood ...
What We Keep
If you follow my blog (and I certainly hope you do!), you’ll recall that last week I mentioned cleaning out my attic as my first big COVID-19 project. Well, it’s turning into a HUGE and NEVERENDING project. Sigh. Nevertheless, it’s been fun waxing nostalgic at the long-forgotten stuff Spouse has been hauling down daily. Some ...
Into The Dark Unknown
During these days of social isolation and facing the dark unknown of a runaway virus, Spouse and I have decided to boldly face another kind of dark unknown. Yep. We’re cleaning out our attic. Now this isn’t just a little extra storage space created by a few sheets of nailed down plywood here. I’m talking ...