Yes, I know. My New Year’s post is a bit tardy. Guilty as charged. My excuses are lame but legitimate: I’ve been busy finishing my new daily devotional scheduled to release later this year (I’ll keep you posted with details). The first few weeks of 2025 came and went on a gust of wind. I ...
Peace in the Stress-Pool
I’m a landlubber. Yes, I’ll admit it – my sea legs are as wobbly as a newborn colt’s. Probably has something to do with my first experience aboard a cruise ship while celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary. Wait. Did I say ship? My bad. it was more like an oversized cork, bobbing up and down on ...
Sharing Jesus-Joy
Oooweee, I had such a lovely weekend making new BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) in Tennessee! I enjoyed sharing a little Jesus-joy at the Aldersgate Methodist Women’s Luncheon, church home of my longtime friend, Lydia Smith. It was such fun! The ladies from all over Jackson were wonderful and laughed at all the right places during ...
Vitamin G
Guilt. AACCK! Do you grapple with it as much as I do? Oh, not necessarily gut-stabbing guilt over some deep, dark secret sin, or even lingering guilt pangs over past mistakes. Although I’ve had some experience with both. And I suspect you have too. The guilt that irritates me like a scratchy, stiff tag in ...
Stress-mas Survival
Hey BBFFs, I loved your comments after I introduced the topic of Stress-mas in my last post and asked how you handle the the performance pressure and general mayhem. (You always make my day when you take the time to respond!) Now, I’d like to make a few suggestions that I’ve found invaluable in freeing ...
When It Just Ain’t Joyful
Here I sit a week before Christmas, exhausted, not a single Christmas card in the mail, the living room strewn with wrapping paper and bows, taped boxes containing gifts to whom I can’t remember (we ran out of gift tags and no time to run to the store), while a swarm of workmen bang away ...
Searching for Balance
Hey, did you hear about twenty-seven-year-old Amber Miller, who, in her thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, completed the 26.2-mile Chicago Marathon then checked into a hospital to plunk out a healthy baby girl? Now that’s what I call a mom on the fly! Well, you and I might not officially run marathons, but we both know ...
Why Creeks Dance
Because Papa God has called me to write about the red-hot topic of stress, I get lots of feedback from readers of my Too Blessed to be Stressed books. I consider it a privilege – and a responsibility I take very seriously – when I get messages from my BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) requesting prayer ...
Decom-Stressing Christmas
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the everyday blessings we enjoy: health, family, home, old friends, Cadbury milk chocolate bars with almonds … You know, I’d just like to saver this lovely tranquility – this peaceful contentment, this quiet pre-Christmas-madness moment – a little longer. Before the stress begins. Ahhh. Okay. It’s over. Here ...