My dear old grandpa used to say, “A little sweat never hurt anybody.” Well … I beg to differ. Now I don’t mind sweating when sweating is appropriate. Like on a tennis court. You’re supposed to sweat on a tennis court; if you don’t fling around fist-sized drops of perspiration when you shake your head or mop ...
Just Leave It
Something interesting happened last week on my early morning prayer walk around my neighborhood (I like to hit the lane, do my mile, and arrive back home before 8 am to try to beat the blazing Florida heat; even so, I’m usually so sweaty I slide right off my chair when I sit to eat ...
And They’ll Know We’re Offensive by Our Love
My neighbor posted a sign in her yard last week. A really horrible, in-your-face proclamation of uber-offensive, rile-stirring propaganda. Or so she was informed when she was asked to remove it. No. That can’t be right. The sign, which was sponsored by her church, simply proclaimed, “You are loved.” Wait. What??? It’s okay to post ...
Is Quiet Time Really That Important?
I first became aware of the term quiet time (as it was used in Christian-World) as a teenage believer many decades ago. A daily interval of time devoted to Bible reading combined with personal prayer time were considered an essential part of an individual’s faith journey and were strongly encouraged. Fifteen minutes a day, they ...
Hope Beams
Have you ever noticed that the most glorious sunbeams occur only after it rains? This – one of my all-time fave photos – was taken just last week as I was praying in my little Smoky Mt cabin hideaway. It’s my habit as an early riser to come before Papa God under the canopy of His beautiful ...
Party Crasher
If we’re friends on Facebook (and I totally hope we are) or if you read last week’s blog, you already know I’ve been on vacay, exploring the wilds of the most excellent Smokies. So I’ve got a story to tell you. (Somehow you knew that, didn’t you?) Spouse and I have been enjoying the puddin’ ...
Mountain Reboot
Hey there dearest BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever)! I’m on vacay this week so I thought I’d just share a few of the sights from my remote Smoky Mt. hideaway. The 30 degree drop in temperature alone is an enormous relief. I hope you, too, will seize the day and make your own opportunity to ...
We All Need a Little Magic
So I was traipsing (okay, more like trudging) up the steep trail to the top of our mountain the other day when I was stopped in my tracks. Just off the beaten path, I was astonished to find myself at the threshold of a highly creative wood elf. Or maybe a wee hobbit. Or a ...
Am I Someone’s Great Gift From God?
Today’s post is inspired by the random winner of my recent Mother’s Day Giveaway: Danielle Robertson. In order to enter the giveaway, you were asked to share with our awesome community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) a few sentences about your mom or the mom-figure who most touched your life. This was Danielle’s heart-warming entry: ...
Celebrating Moms
I have SO enjoyed hearing about your moms and mom/figures and the impact they’ve had on your lives. I couldn’t wait to share as many that would fit in this small space with our awesome community of BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever); I just know you’ll be as uplifted by them as I was. So without ...