Well, I learned something new about myself this week. I’m a kinesthetic learner. Yep, I feel all high falutin’ saying that, but I read about it in an article about different learning styles and sure enough, I’m one of them thar things. It means I hear/think/process best while I’m moving. Somehow my gray matter works ...
Everybody Needs a Stash
I’ve got a stash at home. It’s in my writing desk middle drawer on the right. And it’s a secret. Ha! In reality, it’s a secret to no one since I’ve written about it more than once here on my blog and have mentioned it numerous times in my books. Nevertheless, it’s my stash. And ...
Daily Bread
My favorite kind of Bible study is to unpack familiar passages of scripture verse by verse and word by word, squeezing out the deepest spiritual meaning I possibly can. These are beloved passages that I’ve long known (since childhood) and for most of my life, rotely recited without considering what the individual words actually mean. ...
Encouraging Words
We all need to be encouraged, don’t we? I feel immensely blessed to hear from BFFs (Blessed Friends Forever) from time to time (yes, that’s YOU, dear ones!) regarding the books and devotionals Papa God has opened doors for me to write. Sharing a little Jesus-joy to encourage others on their own faith journey has ...
Primary Directive
I doggie-sat my granddog last week. I’m still recovering. But I must say I learned something useful. Hey, I already have a dog. Sorta. You may recall the little 8-pound rescue mutt I adopted a couple years ago, Yaz. Some who’ve met him (okay, most who’ve met him) say he’s not a real dog. I’ll ...
Rolling Up His Sleeves Again
Ready for another everyday miracle? As you know, I call them grace notes. I never know if you, my BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) really want to hear these or if I’m boring you to tears by constantly sharing them. Give me a little feedback on that, will ya? So last week, I ran outside ...
Unexpected Channels
I ran into an old tennis buddy this week – not really a close friend, but an acquaintance I once played tennis with regularly long ago. Let’s call her Annette. Annette asked if I was still writing; that was surprising because I didn’t realize she knew I was a writer. I didn’t think she was ...
Elbow Jabs
Want to know a secret? I’m working on a new book. After a nearly three-year hiatus, when I thought my writing ministry was a but a dot in my rearview, Papa God made it clear to me that the roast isn’t done yet. And you’re the first to know, dearest BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever)! ...
Forbidden Friends
A few days ago, I decided to take a pre-sunrise prayer walk. As you may recall, I’m a ridiculously early riser (we’re talking the 4:30 a.m. range), but I gave up excursions in the wee hours many years ago, largely due to close encounters of the nocturnal critter kind (our rural subdivision is bordered by ...
Thankful Through Tears
It was time this week to say goodbye to an old friend. And to reflect on the grace notes from Papa God that enabled this precious 30-year friendship to exist in the first place. When we were house-hunting three decades ago, the first thing I saw when we peeked into the neglected backyard of one ...