I was traipsing through the deep woods of the Smoky Mountains when I saw it. Something completely out of sync with this beautiful Cathedral of Papa God’s Creation. A plastic bag, the kind a newspaper comes in, was apparently stuck in the branches of a tall rhododendron, one end flapping in the breeze like a ...
Milking It
I recently saw a YouTube video featuring a young man who rehabbed a baby squirrel he found caught in a trap. Both the little squirrel’s arms were broken by the trap’s steel jaws and had to be amputated due to permanent nerve damage. But that didn’t stop the feisty furry firecracker; she never lost her ...
Extra Friendly Day
My feet began to ache but I persevered as I made my way through the crowded mall, searching for the perfect hat. (This is a never-ending quest for me; it’s like trying to find that elusive perfect purse – I’m beginning to think the creature’s existence is simply a wicked fable.) At first, I thought ...
Mah-val-US Mother’s Day Winners!
I hope each and every one of my BBFFs (Blessed Blog Friends Forever) enjoyed the blessings of celebrating your loved ones on Mother’s Day, and for three of you, it’s not over yet! Many thanks to all of you who entered and sent in photos of your fave Mother’s Day peeps; I greatly enjoyed sharing ...
Granny Knows Best
The other day as I was cleaning out a box of materials I’d collected (I save any funny or unusual articles I happen across in case they might come in handy one day for a book), I found a newspaper article about how the study of fossils has proven that male mammoths were prone to ...
Go, Girls!
Don’t ya just love it when something new and fun jumps right out of the Bible and God-smacks you? I had one of those this week. It happened while I was reading Romans 16, a passage I’ve read countless times before – one of those rather mundane, drone, skim-through chapters of Paul’s greetings to folks ...
I Wanna be on the Losing Team
When three people recently asked me – within the same day – if I’d lost weight, although I answered demurely and with no small measure of cultured restraint, “Why, I might have lost a few pounds, uh-huh, yep, thanks for noticing,” my internal Oprah was screaming triumphantly, “YES!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!” This from ...
Spring in Florida
Okay, I’m tired of my northern friends complaining about shoveling snow and defrosting pipes in March. It’s not that I’m unsympathetic, but hey, we south of the Mason-Dixon demand equal grousing time. Granted, our nemesis isn’t icy and white. No, it’s brown and yellow. Although March temperatures are generally terrific (60-70 degrees), you can’t open ...
Got the Touch
While watching the recent Winter Olympics, I felt a stab in my heart as the expected winner in the women’s downhill skiing event stood off to the side of the ecstatic gold, silver, and bronze medal winners. Her head was bowed nearly to her chest, shoulders shaking as tears dripped through quivering fingers trying desperately ...
The Least and the Most We Can Do
What can we do? I feel so helpless. It seems like nothing will ever change. Legitimate feelings we’ve all experienced. Especially in the aftermath of senseless school shootings. Tragic bombings. Serial murders. Our minds simply cannot comprehend the horror, the random injustice, and we’re overwhelmed by the MASSIVEness of evil. We feel inept. Impotent. Powerless. ...